My thread abuot askign somethnig was deleted... why? (12, permasaged)

1 Name: american otaku : 2007-04-21 14:49 ID:lrkjHuqq

i had a thread asking about Hentai yaoi and Mo and Yuri. as to what everyone's thoughts were about it. for a serious discussion not a perverted one. (maybe more of a political/social one)

but a mod deleted it. But they won't delete crazy trolls and spammer and racist. I find it interesting, or maybe it was to piss me off. anyway, I am verbalizing my discontent.

2 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-21 17:34 ID:KjW4/Ovl

It's because you have horirble tpying sklils. What's "Mo"?

3 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-21 18:12 ID:Heaven

Yes, it's because your threads are shitty beyond belief. The front page only holds ten threads, we don't need three of those to be pure useless shit.

If you want them to stay, learn to write in English.

4 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-21 20:26 ID:Heaven

this is not a download site, go get your yaoi elsewhere

5 Name: american otaku : 2007-04-22 18:15 ID:1PA0RDLl

>>2 LOL!!! you don't know what Mo is? and you call yourselves Otaku's!!!

>>3 a shitty thread asking people to talk about why Yaoi/Mo/Yuri and Hentai is popular or even created... yea real shitty since it is a serious thread... unlike posting FAP 50 million fucking times

>>4 yeah i'll get it from you

I asked the editor and publisher to do a story on this place and she agreed. they all know my name, so if you try to be overly nice to the people that influx here, they will know it's all a fucking act!

*yea. a friend of mine named Shin (a nortious guy who calls himself "american Otaku") said that this would make a great great article. Now I know part of the problem lies in the fact that not many here can speak japanese... so navagating that site will be murder.

But I think this will make a great 3 page article! I want to co-write it with a very good writer.

So here is the task for all those who want to try this, and for those who want to contribute to the article. Shin has already been lurking there, he hates the place but he keeps posting there.

I need some more unbiased opinions. so go lurk these places for about a month... I need a report every week as to how you see things. why? because your first impression of the place versus how it progresses will be dfifferent.

here are the links.

the very first one is Japanese... so if you don't speak it skip it and go to the other three... this article will be interesting since it has already started to be written. Have fun and don't get to crazy please. remember you are animefood staff*

ha ha ha ha ha

6 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-22 18:43 ID:Heaven

no, we need not do a thing, because no matter how asinine we are 4chan will always be worse.

7 Name: american otaku : 2007-04-22 19:07 ID:1PA0RDLl

true... LOL

8 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-22 21:18 ID:Heaven

> LOL!!! you don't know what Mo is? and you call yourselves Otaku's!!!

"We" do not "call ourselves that". Also, there is no such term as "Mo". What the hell are you talking about?

> a shitty thread asking people to talk about why Yaoi/Mo/Yuri and Hentai is popular or even created... yea real shitty since it is a serious thread...

No, shitty because it was so fucking horribly written it made my eyes bleed, and was nearly impossible to understand. Learn English, now!

9 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-22 23:26 ID:vIOQRu31

Maybe he means Moe?

10 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-04-23 00:08 ID:R/Jgp2Ne

...oh, moe? I think we're being trolled, anyway.

11 Name: american otaku : 2007-04-30 20:06 ID:DZqvLc3j

Moe and yes I am a big fat Troll.

But as per request of someone. I deeply fucking apologiiiiiiiiize.

Happy Rodrian?

12 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2011-08-25 17:20 ID:MvUwUKEI

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