Kanon 2008 (aka kanon 2006 dubbed) (19)

1 Name: Dan-Dan : 2007-12-30 00:08 ID:BZYlRLf0

I got Kanon early. I am a wee bit happy though I have an extensive review done up. I reccomend hunting it down on the site I linked to. otherwise in a few days I will submit a link to a site I do reviews for and can be found without the tedium of registering.

I hope others have had an opportunity to see the first volume early as well.

2 Name: (-_-) : 2007-12-30 00:42 ID:Heaven


3 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-12-30 00:44 ID:Heaven

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4 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-12-30 01:11 ID:Heaven


5 Name: Dan-Dan : 2007-12-30 02:17 ID:BZYlRLf0


Wow, thats actually kinda spiffy that you did all that up just to show your annoyance.
But how about you do yourself a favor and click on the review link. I've followed the series for some time and I believe I was a bit fair on the dubbing for the friggin first volume. and believe me. I was critical about the dubbing. I already did extensive reviews about the series so All that was left was my impression of the dubs

There, why dont ya go read the damn thing before you ascii art the hell out of a post. Besides, I'm not saying I liked or hated the dubs. In fact, I prefer it in the original fashion. Compared to the original voices, it was lacking. I believe I gave a fair view on the whole thing.

6 Name: Dan-Dan : 2007-12-30 02:24 ID:BZYlRLf0

Furthermore, I'm not just one of those kids who go "OMG I FRIGGIN LOVE IT LULZ BEST SERIES Evar. n so on. I have been a valid anime junkie (I guess you could say otaku even though I hate repeat hate that word) since at least 98 or so. Not long compared to some but when I got my first computer in 2000 I quickly left dubbing behind. so to come back and do a review on the dubbed version is simply my way of showing that I do care for this series and will, even if I dont like the dubs, support the endeavor so that other good anime will come to america and I wont have to bittorrent it or anything like that. I would like to think that I am doing more than just complaining. So next time how about offering something constructive neh?

7 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-12-30 03:00 ID:Heaven


8 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-12-30 05:04 ID:Heaven


9 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-12-30 07:01 ID:BZYlRLf0


10 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-12-30 16:19 ID:OGBLt/lc


11 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2007-12-31 11:22 ID:Heaven

You suck. I hate you and all you stand for.

12 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2008-01-03 06:36 ID:Heaven

This thread is shit. And it's not even OP's fault! OP's post wasn't even bad! The rest were shit though! Good job, shitty posters!

13 Name: Dan-Dan : 2008-01-03 22:19 ID:8fPp88Vi

Thank you.
I just found it somewhat notable I was able to get the dvd early but was dissapointed in of all chars, my personal favorite.
Besides, I don't usually do blogs. Just certain anime ones.
But whatever, That apparently makes me an attention whore in their eyes.
Maybe they'll even try to spite me with funny things in ED
doubtfull though. Cause I certainly don't overreact.
....I hope

14 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2008-01-03 22:45 ID:OGBLt/lc

no. OP's post was shit. this is coming from someone who loved kanon 06

15 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2008-01-04 10:06 ID:Heaven

Watch it with the original voice actors and you'll find that your disappointment will vanish. Dubs, all they are good for is delaying the release of anime we want to buy.

16 Name: Dan-Dan : 2008-01-04 11:14 ID:8fPp88Vi

I happen to still have the originals left on my old computer from when it originally ran a year ago.
>>14 come up with a valid reason.
Thing is, makotos voice was about the biggest disapointment of the entire dubbing messup. Second only to the horrible enunciation.
And yes, I watched the episodes in near real time last year as well. I was stationed at misawa air base.

17 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2008-01-04 22:45 ID:Heaven

You shouldn't post here telling us to read something you wrote on another site. It's spam. There's no good reason you couldn't copy the content and post it here as well, if you really wanted to share it. You're just being a twat.

Also, no one really cares about anime dubs.

18 Name: Dan-Dan : 2008-01-05 00:10 ID:8fPp88Vi

Well for one, I did try to post it. Thing is, the post was too long. Also, I kind of have a rule about posting continuously . So if you wanna be specific, I was in the wrong for not spamming the board.Therefore I HAD to outside link to it. Besides, I'm not telling people to at all, I am giving them an opportunity without blatently saying "You have to check this out lulz"

Frankly, I remember a conversation I had here not too long ago in which someone was contemplating on getting the dub when it was released. I said I would do up a review for it if they wanted to see what others thought of it.
Frankly, The only reason why I even bothered with the dub is because of my long standing fandom with key and kyoto animation.

So, if you want to keep up an otherwise pointless argument go on ahead. Nobody is making you do anything. Either that or just stop spamming the board with the facepalm. The only real valid rule is not to revive dead forum posts, this is ment to be a discussion about the series as opposed to someone feeling that they say more in facepalm ascii.

So, whatever, if ya wanna keep criticising me for outside linking but urging discussion here, go on ahead. Or, you could just continue to ascii the board. Either way, the lulz have already been had by continuing this pointless argument.

19 Name: Random Anime Otaku : 2008-01-05 00:39 ID:Heaven

love how he writes 4 parahgraphs about wasting time on a pointless arguement.

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