Yomi is erotic (155)

79 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-06-19 22:03 ID:S1s92TlM

         7::::::i′_,r‐-v 、,.._r     
          ゝ:::レ' ヽ__丿T(  )    あ!
          ! ヾ i     ゝ `〈
         \1 `i r==ャ ./      
             |   !│  │i      
            |ヽ  l..____| |
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          /::ヽ、  ̄ ̄|   ,..,...,、  
         /:::';::::::::ヽ、 r' ,':ヽ_// /゙!7
        /';:::::::::';:::::::::::ヽ 〃:/// / /!|
     /:::::::::゙;::::::::゙;ヽ::::::::::ヾ:/ ' ' / //,!
    /:::::::::::::::::゙;::::::::゙;:::\::::: /    / ト、
    /:::::::::::::::::::::゙;::::::::゙;:::::::\| ′  / |::::ヽ
   ,':::::::ヾ::::::::::::::';:::::::::';::::::::/    ,ノ /:::::::i::',
  ,':::::ヽ:::ヽ::::{_}:゙;:::::::::i::/   /ヽ   \:::|:::',
Good GOD, links to source pictures please!

81 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-06-22 03:17 ID:rAwLiek7

Just masturbate to the ASCII art. You won't be the first.

82 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-06-22 06:01 ID:t7Z/EP3s

I did, I just want the pics anyway ;.;

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