[Study] 2channel AA characters - who what where why [Study] (451)

1 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-04-04 15:50 ID:Heaven


ITT we study the characteristics, origins, etc. of all the various 2channel AA characters!

See here http://www.blogjam.com/index.php?p=000948
and here http://shii.org/2chgrounds/faq
and here http://aa.2ch.net/mona/kako/1024/10241/1024144855.html
and here http://aa5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/aasaloon/1081639199/
and here http://members.at.infoseek.co.jp/maruheso/aadic/index.html

   ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ( ・∀・) < Loosen up! Please.
  (    )   \____ Don't disorder the conduct of BBS!
  | | |

140 Name: = 。= 2005-08-07 10:38 ID:Heaven


1 :水先案名無い人:2005/05/21(土) 00:06:09

         / ,' 3  `ヽーっ 
         l   ⊃ ⌒_つ

3 :水先案名無い人:2005/05/21(土) 00:06:49

   ./ ,' 3  `ヽーっ 


35 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] 2005/05/20(金) 02:39:27 ID:sWgO9Bhs0


36 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします [] 2005/05/20(金) 02:41:24


37 以下、名無しにかわりましてVIPがお送りします []
2005/05/20(金) 02:42:48 ID:sWgO9Bhs0
おし 決定




141 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-07 10:42 ID:Heaven

Translation: Somebody just once posted the AA of him on the 2ch NEWS4VIP board, somebody then asked for his name and another dude replied "Salted Salmon Scaltinof / Aramaki Scaltinof". He doesn't really have much other background, he mostly lays around being lazy and is used in lots inexplicably strange AA collages.

142 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-08 13:15 ID:xWrvHPZP

thank you

143 Name: Psy 2005-08-10 13:05 ID:L3bM4Sf8

[•з•] <(コイ!!)

ハ 山
くミ∞)つ下 <(チチチ!)
ひ( ロ)コ
ん ( >ドン< )

Who are these guys?

144 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-10 18:01 ID:Heaven

          /⌒ヽ    hitahita
         /  =゚ω゚)
         |  U /
         ( ヽ ノ
     。。  しU

Hitahita (ヒタヒタ)
Derived from the AA of the guy in >>23, also hangs out with him.
He might be some kind of seal but then again he might not!
His name comes from the sound he makes by tiptoeing around quickly.
He is an avid fan of Forte from Galaxy Angels.
Sometimes he gets a bit crazy and pokes people with knifes.


145 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-10 21:02 ID:L3bM4Sf8

I got some information on the two guys in >>143
[•з•] <(コイ!!)

Koisa (コイサ)
Koisa is envious of Monar's popularity, and wants to be a model. But with a face like that, he won't be getting any luck.

 ハ   山
くミ∞)つ下 <(チチチ!)
ひ( ロ)コ
 ん     ( >ドン< )

Airbi (気ビ)
Airbi is a spiky creature who carries his trident (named Da(ダ)) everywhere he goes.He wears a mask covering his face, so you can only see his eyes. He is Intense Ninja's rival.

146 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-11 12:38 ID:Heaven

Let's make the AA Dictionary(English version)

147 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-11 12:43 ID:Heaven

148 Name: 146 2005-08-11 19:53 ID:Heaven


149 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-12 07:25 ID:Heaven

Donmai, donmai!

150 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-18 12:55 ID:A8JWOkV+

Sensei, I have found this cool ancient thread, started by the guy
who founded world2ch (http://wakaba.c3.cx/soc/kareha.pl/1099711854):

【 world 】Project to make foreign language versions of 2chAA 【 advanced 】
\___ __________
   ( ´∀`)  
 _ / /   /  
\⊂ノ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
 ||\        \
 ||\|| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||
 ||  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄||

151 Name: (-_-)さん!aHikkyNoyo 2005-08-27 17:26 ID:Heaven

          |     |/(-_-)\|
          |     |   ∩∩   |
          |      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
        (-_-) …

Hikky is one of the oldest AA characters from 2ch and even predates Monar.
Originally he was just supposed to be a depressed orphan named "Masao Komori"
(the picture behind him is of deceased father).
He thinks about things in a very negative way, takes a pessimistic point of view
and mostly hangs his head. Over the time he was more and more used to represent
the prototypical withdrawn youth of contemporary Japan's society, the hikikomori:


Sites that collect Hikky AA & other stuff:


Hikky threads @ 2ch:


2chノ マスコットハ ボクダヨ. パート7(ヒッキー専用スレ)

Hikky board @ 2ch:


152 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-30 18:16 ID:Heaven

    |                      \
    |  ('A`)         *creak creak*
   / ̄ノ( ヘヘ ̄ ̄     AAahn AAaahn/

Dokuo (毒男)
AA to express lonely, single men.
He always thinks of everybody and everything else as rotten & disgusting.
Typically, he is represented in the above manner,
with creaking and moaning sounds coming from the next appartment.
He has a tendency to develop mental problems and kill himself in the end.

He originated on the 2channel board for single men.


153 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-31 09:55 ID:Heaven

Asapi (アサピー)

      |││ /  / │
      |│⌒ヽ /  │
      |│朝 ) ──│
    ∧_∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    (-@∀@)< Yo, comrades ! ! My name is Asapi and I am
  φ⊂  朝 ) |  an elite graduate of the State University!
    | | |   | I am enlightening the citizens about Corea
    (__)_)  | with agitating headline articles!
              | My speciality are spreading misinformations!
              | I work for Asahi Shimbun but you can also find
              | my writings on the politics and nida boards on 2ch!


154 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-31 11:38 ID:Heaven

             ____              |          ∧_∧
       ∧ ∧     ||\   \ ̄| ̄~|     |          <`∀´ >
      <,,`∀´>  ,||  l ̄ ̄ l  |:[]/\ |       _| ̄ ̄||__)_
    ┌‐| つつ/ ̄||/  ̄ ̄/ ,| /   \|     /旦|――||// /|
    |└ヽ ヽ|二二二」二二二二∧_∧   \    | ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ̄|  |
       ̄||∪∪   | ||      /<丶`∀´>/ ̄ ̄/、   |_____|三|/
  ―――――――――――<  ( _つ_// LG /  >――――――――――――
        ∧_∧       \ {二二} 三三} / _______   ∧_∧
         <丶・∀・>_____\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄"/ =|   /  / || (/(ハヽ∂
       / つ _//       /  \     / |  ̄| l ̄ ̄ l    ||<`∀´ハ|
        ヽ. |\// Hyundai. /    |.\/  | =|  \ ̄ \ ||¬ ⊂ ヽ/
         \}===========}     |    [二二二二二二二

Urinara Cyberterrorism Team (ウリナラサイバーテロ団)

Self-acclaimed hacker group formed to punish foolish Choppari.
The 1337 skillz of Urinara are hitting F5 repeatedly from home
and library PCs while a browser window with Choppari site content
is loaded - this is done via South Korean DSL line, the best
technology in the world - until their fingers go into convulsions.
Moreover, whenever they see a rising sun flag on the web, they will
all email the registrar to demand apology and compensation.


Appearance in "The origin of Mona is South Korea!" thread:

155 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-31 18:03 ID:Heaven

Not really a character, but gets used often enough:


(*´Д`) haaah haaah
(;´Д`) *fapfapfap*

Emoticon AA used when one is sexually excited, making panting noises.
It is probably also hinting at masturbation action going on.
May be warning sign of "moéing".


156 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-31 18:22 ID:Heaven

            /´      ̄`ヽ,
            / 〃  _,ァ---‐一ヘヽ
         i  /´       リ}
          |   〉.   -‐   '''ー {!
          |   |   ‐ー  くー |
           ヤヽリ ´゚  ,r "_,,>、 ゚'}
         ヽ_」     ト‐=‐ァ' !
          ゝ i、   ` `二´' 丿
              r|、` '' ー--‐f´
         _/ | \    /|\_
       / ̄/  | /`又´\|  |  ̄\

His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince Naruhito Kōtaishi denka

Popular AA because he's a celebrity. Yeah.

157 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-31 18:31 ID:Heaven

stoled from http://astrange.ithinksw.net/sa/shii/faq

     ∧ ∧___  Hay guys!
   /(*゚ー゚) /\
 /| ̄∪∪ ̄|\/
   |        |/
     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Shii (しぃ) is female and cute. At some point she was abandoned and now she lives in a cardboard box. She is Giko's girlfriend. It's unclear whether her name is supposed to mean "C", "ayashii" (strange), or "she". Other characters (especially Moraler) like to hate on Shii a lot.


158 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-31 18:44 ID:Heaven

see also http://astrange.ithinksw.net/sa/shii/faq
also expanding on >>2

            ∧∧   (,,゚Д゚)    ∧∧
      ∧∧   (,,゚Д゚)  ⊂  つ    (  ,,)
〜′ ̄ ̄(,,゚Д゚)   / つつ  〜  |    /  |
  UU ̄U U   〜(__)   し`J  〜(__)

Giko Cat (ギコ猫)

- A pretty hateful little cat that likes to spout abusive, vulgar and offensive language and does not concern himself with flattering people.
- His most popular catchphrases are "GO & DIE!"(untranslatable, see >>2) "snarl" and "gikohahaha" (the latter being some phrase already used in 1994, before the AA)
- Has a habit of talking in first person (huge ego)
- First reported sighting in 1999, before 2channel.
- He's been established as Shii's boyfriend.

There are various rumors and mysteries about Giko cat, his origin and his behaviour.
Lots of new characters were modeled after him and he is likely the second most popular AA character on 2channel after Mona.


159 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-08-31 19:03 ID:Heaven

Some more info & funny comic strips for Hitahita (>>144)

160 Name: Anonymous-chan 2005-10-07 01:44 ID:lVVutC6/

What about the cat pulling things out of his pockets with a resounding "Pa"? He's got a face kind of like Shobon:

161 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-10-08 01:18 ID:81QxL++3

 ┃・∀・┃  〜I have not been identified yet either!
 ┛    ┗

162 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-10-08 01:34 ID:81QxL++3

.   ┏━━┓
.   ┃・∀・┃  〜And now I see why leading periods are important. Interesting.
. ┗╋━━╋┛
.   ┛    ┗

163 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-10-08 06:38 ID:f4SEMlZr

You are Nomatako, original & inspired creation from 2ch VIP board!


164 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-11-23 15:10 ID:Wkypk3fs

Could someone please explain this? It appears to have something to do with Zonu, and he has a little dog on his head.

      γ▼ ・∀▼
    / ̄ ̄ UU \    
  /     ●  ●、__
  |Y  Y  ,,,,,   ,,,,\  )
  | |   |         ▼ |/
  | |   |    、__人_,|    
  ヽ\/    __ノ
    \    /               
     |   |_ |_           


165 Name: I am 日本人 2005-11-28 08:14 ID:CKhVU/6E

poopoo means UNKO??

166 Name: Yes. 2005-12-07 05:00 ID:/XNjrocc

There are many English words that mean "unko." "poopoo" or "poo" or "poop" or "poopy" is the way a small child might say it and it is used for humorous effect here. More commonly are other words, more vulgar, like "shit" or "crap." A doctor would say "stool" or "feces" in a medical context.

167 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-12-09 01:50 ID:W5bau7pr


youre a wapanese pedophile fag lol

168 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-12-17 19:34 ID:Heaven

I'm not a pedo (´・ω・`)

169 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-01 04:17 ID:qd/bb4kh

彡 <- excuse me, but can someone tell me how to input this character? i tried using "mi" or "san" and it would not resolve

170 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-02 03:38 ID:qjDkeQDH

you can use the handwriting tool...

171 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-16 01:25 ID:nsm88AEg

I want to save some AA characters to a Word document. How do I do that?

172 Name: Anonymous 2006-01-17 01:53 ID:D0SXOEnm

There's actually a site I found that if ya save the files, or click to save them, you'll find out the names... http://matsucon.net/material/mona/giko.html < Seriously, its a nice site. :D

173 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-17 21:00 ID:O36Ol/Oz

http://isthisthingon.org/unicode/ says it's pronounced "kami"...I don't have IME on this machine, so I can't check until later.

174 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-18 03:23 ID:71KJg7sm

I would like to know as well @ >171

175 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-20 04:12 ID:3VTMNB+o

You can cut and paste AA from pretty much any browser to Word these days, if you have the Japanese fonts installed. Paste what you want into Word, do a "select all" (Ctrl-A) and set the font to "MS PGothic". That should be all you need to do.

176 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-21 02:36 ID:qjDkeQDH

I can't get 彡 through "kami".
All I get is




177 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-21 15:30 ID:nsm88AEg

Thank you very much!

178 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-21 20:10 ID:aEVZyQDW

      ミ\     我が名はモララエル    /彡
       ミ  \    2chに真のマターリを  /  彡
        ミ  \   もたらすものなり  /  彡
         ミ   \  壺は買うように /   彡
          ミ   \         /   彡
           ミ    \      /   彡
            \    \   /   /
ミ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\  |  |  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄彡
 ミ              \  ⊂⊃. /             彡
   ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ ̄ ̄\ ∧_∧ / ̄ ̄\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
          /   / ̄ ( ・∀・ ) ̄\.   \
        /   /   ⊂. † ⊃   \    \
       /    │  / | | |\  │    \
     /    /│  ミ. (__|__)彡  │\.    \
     彡   /  │  ミ       彡  │  \   ミ
      彡/   │  ミ       彡  │   \ ミ
             \  ミ       彡  /
              \ミ       彡/

アリガタヤ  モララエルサマ        イマコソ マターリヲ   コバヤシサチコミタイ・・・
  ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧       ∧_∧ ∧_∧ ∧_∧
 ( ・∀・)( ・∀・)( ・∀・)      (・∀・ )(・∀・ )(・∀・; )
 (つ  つ(つ  つ(つ  つ     ⊂ ⊂ )⊂ ⊂. )⊂ ⊂ )
 ( ̄__)__)( ̄__)__)( ̄__)__)     (__(__ ̄)(__(__ ̄)(__(__ ̄)


179 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-21 20:11 ID:aEVZyQDW

     ミ    \     | ミ    | 
       ミ    \⊂⊃  ミ ∠
        ミ    ∧_∧     ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    ミ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\( ・∀・)/ ̄ ̄ ̄彡
     ミ       ⊂   † ⊃___彡 / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
      ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄/ |  |  |  \     | 
           /   (__)_,,)彡 \   \__ _________________
          /    ミ       彡  \      ∨
        |    ミ          彡   |
          \ ミ         彡 /       ∧_∧
           \ミ           彡/       (・∀・ )
                            (     )
                            | | |
                              (_(__)  (・∀・ )

180 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-21 20:15 ID:aEVZyQDW

  ( ・∀  ∀・)
  (       .)
  | | |   |

    .( ・∀・ )
  ( ・∀  ∀・)
  (       )
  | | |   |


181 Name: = 。= 2006-01-24 14:58 ID:Heaven

彡's sound is not a "kami" .

【彡】 [サン、セン/] san,sen/ 毛の長いさま
The pronunciation of this Kanji character is a San or Sen.
The meaning shows the appearance with a long hair.
I do not think that it records in the dictionary in PC because
it cannot convert it by"san" nor"sen".
There are many Kanji characters that cannot be converted with PC
though it can be seen in s-jJIS AA..

【冫】 [ヒョウ/] hyou/ 氷(ice)
【勹】 [ホウ/] hou/ 包む(wrap)
【卩】 [セツ、セチ/] setsu,sechi/ふし(節=knot)
【亠】 [トウ/] tou/なべぶた(部首の名=a part of Kanji)
【匕】 [ヒ/] hi/ さじ(匙=spoon) *a little different from 七(seven)
【乂】 [ガイ/] gai くさぎる(草を刈る=cut the grass)、治める(govern)
【儿】 [ジン、ニン/] jin,nin/人(person)
【从】 [ジュウ、シュウ、ジュ/] jyu, shu, ju 従,從(=follow)
【巛】 [セン/] sen/ 川 (river)
【幺】 [ヨウ/] yo u/小さい、幼い(little,infancy)
【弋】 [ヨウ/] yo u
【殳】 [シュ、ズ/ほこ] shu,zu/hoko
【爻】 [コウ/] kou/
【爿】 [ショウ/] shou/
【夲】 [トウ、ホン/] tou,hon

182 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-25 10:44 ID:CblB6goO

there is a cat with a very long, tall neck and a long body. who is he?

183 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-25 11:01 ID:Heaven

the site of AA which a japanese AA maker made

184 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-26 06:18 ID:Yq7/DiZy

  ∧ ∧     ┌─────────────
  ( ´ー`)   < I don't know.
   \ <     └───/|────────
      \       /
       ∪∪ ̄∪∪

185 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-26 16:27 ID:Heaven

>>91 Koreans are banned from 2ch or WTF?

186 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-26 17:15 ID:Heaven

>>176 yes because kami means god you fool :P

187 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-26 17:18 ID:Heaven

OK What about:



188 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-26 20:41 ID:Yq7/DiZy

that's an expression, not a character.

189 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-01-28 00:20 ID:Heaven

Some say there is no difference and that each AA is a single lexeme in its own right.


190 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-05 03:32 ID:4FlOs34S


191 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-05 04:52 ID:CblB6goO

how about the blue-haired girl with a ・∀・ face?

192 Name: = 。= 2006-02-07 13:27 ID:Heaven

 /\     /⌒\
/  /\  / /'⌒'ヽ   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
| /   \( (● ,,●) < シネバー?
ヽ |     \  ヽ冊<    \_____
 ヽ|   /  彡   ⌒ヽ
      |γ|::| \   ヽ
     イ  |::|   ミ7 ̄ |
     ハ._V   |:|\ |
     |       V__ノ\
     N      i. и
      VN. i |、ヘV

     /⌒\     /\
    /'⌒'ヽ \  /\  |   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
    (●.●) )/   |: | < シネバー
     >冊/  ./     |: /   \_____
   /⌒   ミミ \   |/
   /   / |::|λ|
   |√7ミ   |::|  ト、
   |:/    V_.ハ
  /| i         |
   и .i      N
    λヘ、| i .NV

The name of this character is god of death"Shinebar".

     /⌒\ っ   /\
    /'⌒'ヽ \ っ/\  |
    (●.●) )/   |: | すぐ連れて逝きますんで・・・
     >冊/  ./     |: /
   /⌒   ミミ \   〆
   /   / |::|λ|    |
   |√7ミ   |::|  ト、   |
   |:/    V_ハ   |
  /| i         | ∧|∧
   и .i      N /⌒ ヽ) 
    λヘ、| i .NV  | >>1| |
      V\W   ( 、 ∪
              || |

193 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-10 09:25 ID:CblB6goO

this is named Shiraneyo, but i don't know where it came from.

194 Name: MidgardSveor 2006-02-16 04:30 ID:Ym3GvMws

>>130 This is Guille from Street Figther II and above Arcade

195 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-17 18:17 ID:zC+n1B8g


196 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-18 05:13 ID:Z6BAUJ2M

                     (ヽ )ヽ
                    〜ノ ヽ  ウロウロ

197 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-19 22:08 ID:iBtfwwPr

   | ノ      ヽ
  /  ●   ● | Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrr!!!!!
  |    ( _●_)  ミ
 彡、   |∪|  、`\
/ __  ヽノ /´>  )
(___)   / (_/
 |       /
 |  /\ \
 | /    )  )
 ∪    (  \

198 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 02:51 ID:nvpBHk48

Can you speak English?


199 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 02:52 ID:vIovYH+T

           i::::::::/'" ̄ ̄ヾi
           |:::::::| ,,,,,_  ,,,,,,|
           |r-==( 。);( 。)
           ( ヽ  :::__)..:: }
        ,____/ヽ  ー== ;  >> Uh-huh, and what?
     r'"ヽ   t、   \___ !
    / 、、i    ヽ__,,/
    / ヽノ  j ,   j |ヽ
    |⌒`'、__ / /   /r  |
    {     ̄''ー-、,,_,ヘ^ |
    /  \__       /
    |      "'ー‐‐---

200 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 02:54 ID:nvpBHk48


It seems to apply the hand to the ear.
When saying the disregard when ruining comes, it seems to be used.

201 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 03:18 ID:6vuVB741

      / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
    /             \
   /                  ヽ  
    l:::::::::.                  |  
    |::::::::::   (●)     (●)   |  
   |:::::::::::::::::   \___/     |   
    ヽ:::::::::::::::::::.  \/     ノ 
     \           /    ♪
      /         ::::i \
     /  /       ::::|_/
     \/          ::|
        |        ::::|  qyum
        i     \ ::::/ qyum
        \     |::/

202 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 03:34 ID:vkyxW1QE

==、,-、  、ヽ、 \>   ,,  '''\ _
メ゙ヽ、\ ̄""" ̄--‐   、 \  /ゝ、\
=─‐\\‐  /─'''''ニ二\''' |レレゝゝ、\
 ̄く<<く >, ゙、/<三三二\ ̄\ゝゝゝゝゝゞ''ヽ、       / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
<<<<〈__入 ゙、く彡三三三二ヽくゝ\メメメゝ、_ゝ、\     | それは叶わぬ願いだ
くく<<<<<< ゙、 ゙、ミ三三二ニ─ゝゝゝゝゝ,,,,,,,、 '( ゙''ヽ、ヽ、   <
くくくくくく彡‐ヽ ゙、ミ三三二ニ'''くくゝゝ_ゝゝ、\\_,>」ノ,    | 神の力を超えておる
く く く く く 彡゙、゙、三三二ニ‐くゝ、/ ,,,,,,,,メメゝヽ''''"ゝゞ丶、  \__________
二─二二彡彡、゙、三三二==くメゝ/   ゙'ヽ、メゝゝゝゝゝゝゞ''ヽ-、,,,,,,_
‐'''" ̄ \彡彡ミ、゙、三二=''"く<メ/::      \''-、メメゝゝゝ_ゝ 、 ,,、ヽヽ
、  ,,,,- ゙彡//ヾ、三二= くゝ/:::....      \>∠レ-,-‐ニ二メヽ''ヽ ノ
 ゙ヽ、,,,-‐//_///,,、゙、三二=  ゙、 ""'''      ヽ>//レレヽ,,___  /
-,,,,,,-‐'''"""/////,,ヽ ゙、三二─ ゙ヽ.         //-ヘヘ,、 レレレレノ
''"      ,l|"////ノ,、\彡'''''‐-ニ,、 ::::::::::,,,,,,,,//    ゙ヽフ/|/| レ'
      /ゝ、/ヽ|ヽレ,,゙ヽ、゙''ヽ、,,,,,,_ヽ''ニ='',,-'"、─-,,,,,_   ̄"'ノ
     /メ / レ/,''"へへべ''─---- ̄-メヽ"ゝゞゝヽ、  >---''"
    /ヘヘ、|//ヘヘヘヘヘヘヘヘ,,-イ ̄ | ̄"'''-ニニニ二-''"
   /ヘヘ∧/./フヘヘヘヘヘヘヘ,/イ  /  /   /    ゙ノ\、\
   /ゝゝ| / /メヘヘヘヘヘヘ/'" |  /  /  /    /  \\
  /ゝ /|‐/ /フヘへヘヘヘ/∧  /-'"-'''"__,,-''"    /     /、\
 //|_| /./へへへヘヘ、// |/      \_,,,,-‐'"    /  ゙、.゙、
'"/ヽ"/'"へへヘヘヘヘ//  ノ          \    ,,,,-‐'"    ゙、゙、
.ノ //へへヘヘヘヘ//ヽ ./            ゙、''""      ,,/、゙、

203 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 08:15 ID:6vuVB741


When this is watched for ten seconds, it comes to be seen Hideki Matsui's face.

204 Name: にしこり 2006-02-20 08:19 ID:v+XVED2j

    (,,゚ー゚) I am from Japan,Please call me "Sii"

205 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 09:32 ID:6vuVB741

         __ , -------- 、__
      , - ':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::\
     / ;;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;;;;;;;;;;\
    /,,;,,,,,  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;  ,,,,,,,;:::丶
   / :::::::::;;,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;:::::::::::::::ヽ
  i゙::::|;;;;| |;;;;| |::::::::::| |:::::::::::::::::||:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|
 . i゙::::::i     ''''''''''' '───' |;;;;;;;;;;::::::::::::::::::::|
  .|:::::::|,-====-´  ゙ヽ,,,,,,,,,,,,、    |:::::::::::::::::::|
  |;::::::::|,-----、    ~ニニ,,_`    |:::::::::::::::::::|
  `ヽ、i (、i´ノ     ´い,, ノ '    |;;;::::::::::::::/   Why does the firefly die soon?
  .   i ^~~~ー==--  ー'-+、     / ゙-、;;;;/
     {      ヽゝ          '-'~ノ
    λ   ''゙゙゙'''-''---、       /-'^
     ヽ,    ^~^         (
     /  `丶 、     , -   /^l
     |   /( ノ `''''''´~  __, - '  ゙i、
    {  / /| ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   _,- '¨ }
    {/ /  ゙ー────'~   \|
    /               ヽ  \

206 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 09:34 ID:6vuVB741

            _  -───-   _
            ,  '´           `ヽ
          /                 \
        /                    ヽ
      / __, ィ_,-ァ__,, ,,、  , 、,,__ -ァ-=彡ヘ  ヽ
       ' 「      ´ {ハi′          }  l
      |  |                    |  |
       |  !                        |  |
      | │                   〈   !
      | |/ノ二__‐──ァ   ヽニニ二二二ヾ } ,'⌒ヽ
     /⌒!|  =彳o。ト ̄ヽ     '´ !o_シ`ヾ | i/ ヽ !    Do not do you?
     ! ハ!|  ー─ '  i  !    `'   '' "   ||ヽ l |
    | | /ヽ!        |            |ヽ i !
    ヽ {  |           !           |ノ  /
     ヽ  |        _   ,、            ! , ′
      \ !         '-゙ ‐ ゙        レ'
        `!                    /
        ヽ     ゙  ̄   ̄ `     / |
            |\      ー ─‐       , ′ !
           |  \             /   |
      _ -‐┤ ゙、 \           /  ! l  |`ーr─-  _
 _ -‐ '"   / |  ゙、   ヽ ____  '´   '│  !  |     ゙''‐- 、,_

207 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 12:10 ID:6vuVB741

    i<´   }\   , - 、
   ヽ.._\./  .ンく r-兮、 __
    ∠`ヽ.! /   ヾニEヲぐ ,ゝ->  Gogg is great.
   /_`シ'K-───‐-、l∠ イ    
   l´__,/l\、_ ̄0¨0)゙@Yヘ, -┤    It does unabashedly no matter.
.    l'___|⌒ヾ''ー==、ーr='イ i二|       
   / .」   i   /./7r‐く  lー!
.   f.  ヽ‐i人.∠'<   _i. l,.-ゝ.
    トiヘヘ「ト〈      `X  トレi7__|
   〉ト:トハj`! i.    /  トー┤lルj,リ
  /‐+----+‐l    iー--i---ヾ'〃
.  l_i____i__|   |___i,__i_|

208 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 12:17 ID:6vuVB741

      ./       ;ヽ 
      l  _,,,,,,,,_,;;;;i  <Good Baby !
      l l''|~___;;、_y__ lミ;l  The fellow who runs away is a vietcong !
      ゙l;| | `'",;_,i`'"|;i |  The fellow who doesn't run away is a vietcong often trained !
     ,r''i ヽ, '~rーj`c=/ 
   ,/  ヽ  ヽ`ー"/:: `ヽ
  /     ゙ヽ   ̄、:::::  ゙l, The battlefield is a hell ! FHAHAHAHAHA !
 |;/"⌒ヽ,  \  ヽ:   _l_        ri                   ri
 l l    ヽr‐─ヽ_|_⊂////;`ゞ--―─-r| |                   / |
 ゙l゙l,     l,|`゙゙゙''―ll___l,,l,|,iノ二二二二│`""""""""""""|二;;二二;;二二二i≡二三三l
 | ヽ     ヽ   _|_  _       "l ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |二;;二二;;二=''''''''''' ̄ノ
 /"ヽ     'j_/ヽヽ, ̄ ,,,/"''''''''''''⊃r‐l'二二二T ̄ ̄ ̄  [i゙''''''''''''''''"゙゙゙ ̄`"
/  ヽ    ー──''''''""(;;)   `゙,j"  |  | |

209 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 12:26 ID:Heaven

       / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
       | Upham! Upham!Bullet. Come to Tamamo!Upha----m!
       \_____  ________________
                      / ̄ ̄ \ Bullet slice
      /\     _. /  ̄ ̄\  |_____.|     / ̄\
     /| ̄ ̄|\/_ ヽ |____ |∩(・∀・;||┘  | ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|
   / ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄|  (´д`; ||┘ _ユ_II___ | ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|
   / ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄|( ” つつ[三≡_[----─゚   ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|
  / ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄| ⌒\⌒\  ||  / ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄|
 / ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄] \_)_)..||| | ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄| ̄ ̄
              ̄ ̄        /|

210 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 13:19 ID:6vuVB741

      ______       ______
     r' ,v^v^v^v^v^il    /          ヽ
     l / jニニコ iニニ!.   /             l
    i~^'  fエ:エi  fエエ)Fi  !   I am beautiful   l
    ヽr      >   V  !   Gian.        l
     l   !ー―‐r  l <.               l
 __,.r-‐人   `ー―'  ノ_ ヽ            /
ノ   ! !  ゙ー‐-- ̄--‐'"ハ ~^i \_       _ノ
 ヽ ! ヽ、_     _.ノ  i  \    ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
ヾV /              ! /.入

211 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 13:22 ID:6vuVB741

             /:::}i::::::::\             ________
            ./:::;ィ-'-、::::::::::ゝ、_,      /             \
           /::::::|__  _>;;ヾ::::::z‐'   < I blow off
         ノ゙{◎}ri|゙゚'l. ⌒ い::::::::ゝー-  | the beautiful face !
        ハ. `ー' ヽ ワ/|リハヾ::::::::     \________/
        /lミト、   !、`- "::::::::::::::::::::
      /::::::::::::/ ヽ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::|
      |:::::::::::ノ   ト:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ゝ

212 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 13:25 ID:6vuVB741

          ,. -───-: 、
          / '':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::''''' ヽ
       i::|:::i::/l/  i;::ト、:、:::i:::::::::::::::i
       |::i/レ'-i''  'ヽi-ヾ,ヽ!:::::::::::::l
       |::ハ -‐-   -─- i::::::::::::::l    Agein in Osaka...
       |::::::l|  |     |  | |::::::::::::::!
       |::::::ヽ | r---、! l,.!::::::::::::::l
         !:::::::l、::r'"´'. ' l ' i::::::::iヽ:::l
            !/ |.VVVVVVVV.lV\!. i
         |  |        |    l

213 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 13:30 ID:6vuVB741

          ,. -'''Y´:三三三::`ヽ、__     
      /ミミミミミ三三三三彡彡ミヽ.     Gen.
    {三三ヲ       ̄ ̄      ヾ彡\    This is wheat.
   .!ミ彡〈                ヾ:彡:ヽ 
   {t彡彡〉               /彡彡}  A blue bud is put out at the cruel
   {彡彡'ノ二ニ_‐-,    i-‐_.ニ二ヽ 彡彡ノ  winter, it is stepped many times, it
   /"'i:l  >┬o┬、i   iy┬o┬<  |:i'"V  expands strongly and straight, and it becomes
   | ハ|:|  `┴‐┴' {    }`┴‐┴'′ |:|ハ.l  wheat that bears the fruit.
   | {..|:l  ` ̄ ̄┌|  ̄ |┐ ̄ ̄´  !|,,} |  
    ヽ_||      └`----'┘      ||_ノ  
      |  ヽ ヽ--―‐--―‐--/ /   |  
      \ ! \二二二二/ ! /       ,..-''"´ ̄`ヽ
       | \    ――    /lヽ       _」   ,/´   ヽ
     __/\   ヽ_____,i____ノ /井ヽ      く. `く   ,.-''´  ヽ
┬┬/ /井\           /井井|\┬r-、 `r‐ヘ. 〈   ,. -''" ヽ
t井/  /井井\.         /#井井ト、 \井ヽ. ヽ `''ヽ_〈 r┬ |
:井|  |ヽ 井井\        /:#井井|#ヽ ヽ井ヽ ヽ、__ゝ-'   |
井|  | #ヽ井井#\     /井井井|井tヽ ヽ井|ヽ   | l、    |
f#|  |井#ヽ:井井#\.    /#井井井|井井|  |井|井`ノ   ヽ   |
:#|  |井井ヽ井井井\ ,/井井井井|井井t|  |井#t/         |
#|  |井井#ヽ井井井#:/:井井井井|井井ff|  |井f/        |
f|  |井井井ヽ井井#/:#井井井井 / 井井井|  |井|        |

214 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 13:42 ID:6vuVB741

       (  _,, -''"      ',             __.__       ____
  HA    ( l         ',____,、      (:::} l l l ,}      /      \
   HA   ( .',         ト───‐'      l::l ̄ ̄l     lHe is    |
    HA!  (  .',         |              l::|二二l     |pleasant. . |
       ( /ィ         h         , '´ ̄ ̄ ̄`ヽ   | HA    │
⌒⌒⌒ヽ(⌒ヽ/ ',         l.l         ,'  r──―‐tl.   |  HA   │
        ̄   ',       fllJ.        { r' ー-、ノ ,r‐l    |   HA ! │
            ヾ     ル'ノ |ll       ,-l l ´~~ ‐ l~`ト,.  l        |
             〉vw'レハノ   l.lll       ヽl l ',   ,_ ! ,'ノ   ヽ  ____/
             l_,,, =====、_ !'lll       .ハ. l  r'"__゙,,`l|     )ノ
          _,,ノ※※※※※`ー,,,       / lヽノ ´'ー'´ハ
       -‐'"´ ヽ※※※※※_,, -''"`''ー-、 _,へ,_', ヽ,,二,,/ .l
              ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄       `''ー-、 l      ト、へ

215 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 14:00 ID:Heaven

                /            <三||三||三||三||三三三ヾ、===,、     Z
 ヽ            l               ||` ||ミ ||三||フ,|| ̄   ̄``ヾミノノ三三ヽ / 
 ヽ   / | |   ヽ        AWAWA!  || ||  ||/||  ||   __   | |ヽ三三;/| 7  GUEEEE!
 _/      ヽ   / | |         || ||  ||/||  || ̄    ̄``| |、_ゞ、/|| || -'_ 
    ヤ     ___/     The sound  || ||  ||r‐‡―‡―――‐--、.| | ||| || ||   ゝ
            ヤ     doesn't stop!.|| ||/‡|  ヽ、{ (_/``ヽ / | |'‐┘|| || ||    `>_
_|_______   _            ||,. ‡  | ' ̄ | ≡ l ̄ヽ, ヽ,| | 、||| || ||    ̄//L
_|_____ / ___``ヽ          / ‡    |_ヽ0.,/ 三ヾ.0_/二 l| |^i||| || ||  ヽ、l、_/、,ヘ'
  |      /    // ||ー―--, ,___,ノ        | '"~/  ―--三、  | |r'ノ || ‡ ‡   ゝ
 ヽ  /    /     ./'  ||   ( __ニ=―      l  ヽ、   ヽ、`` | |' l  ‡      > This is
  _/  ヽ  /   .句| ||               l /ヽ ̄ ̄``ヽヽ∪ | |)ヽ       Z  Kannu's
      _/     | ||        | / /     .| !{ ヽ__  ノ } ノ |/ \二、 、   L Idol collage !
              | ||       \ ―   .| |ヽ  ― ̄  ノ//| |(( / >、 \ 、  /
           |  / ――― ‐┼     ̄   ,.| |/ |\ _,、,_ / .//,| | )//  ヽ、)〉 ‐'、
            \_   | ||    `     ,. - ―/ | |(),l i川川リ  //(_,| |//     // /'7 '^vヘ
                 | ||      /    / / ./())| | 川リ  //.((_,| |,'    //  /
                | ||     /     |/ /|(()| |ノツ  //(())/| .|    //  /
               | ||    /      / /. |(_))| |/   //(())//| |   //  /

216 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 16:23 ID:Heaven

           し!     _  -── ‐-   、  , -─-、 -‐─_ノ
            // ̄> ´  ̄    ̄  `ヽ  Y  ,  ´     )   Are you
  It is up to   L_ /                /        ヽ   really a
  a school child / '                '           i  Cherry Boy !?
  that the    /                 /           く 
  Cherry Boy l           ,ィ/!    /    /l/!,l     /厶,
  is permitted. i   ,.lrH‐|'|     /‐!-Lハ_  l    /-!'|/l   /`'メ、_iヽ
          l  | |_|_|_|/|    / /__!__ |/!トi   i/-- 、 レ!/   / ,-- レ、⌒Y⌒ヽ
         _ゝ|/'/⌒ヽ ヽト、|/ '/ ̄`ヾ 、ヽト、N'/⌒ヾ      ,イ ̄`ヾ,ノ!
         「  l ′ 「1       /てヽ′| | |  「L!     ' i'ひ}   リ
         ヽ  | ヽ__U,      、ヽ シノ ノ! ! |ヽ_、ソ,      ヾシ _ノ _ノ
-┐    ,√   !            ̄   リ l   !  ̄        ̄   7/
  レ'⌒ヽ/ !    |   〈       _人__人ノ_  i  く            //!
人_,、ノL_,iノ!  /! ヽ   r─‐- 、   「      L_ヽ   r─‐- 、   u  ノ/
      /  / lト、 \ ヽ, -‐┤  ノ       了\  ヽ, -‐┤     //
HA    {  /   ヽ,ト、ヽ/!`hノ  )       |/! 「ヽ, `ー /)   _ ‐'
 HA    ヽ/   r-、‐' // / |-‐ く  Bad !   > / / `'//-‐、    /
  HA    > /\\// / /ヽ_  !        (  / / //  / `ァ-‐ '
   HA ! / /!   ヽ    レ'/ ノ        >  ' ∠  -‐  ̄ノヽ   /
       {  i l    !    /  フ       /     -‐ / ̄/〉 〈 \ /!

217 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-20 16:34 ID:Heaven

      r;ァ'N;:::::::::::::,ィ/      >::::::::::ヽ
.      〃  ヽル1'´        ∠:::::::::::::::::i
       i′  ___, - ,. = -一   ̄l:::::::::::::::l
.      ! , -==、´r'          l::::::/,ニ.ヽ
      l        _,, -‐''二ゝ  l::::l f゙ヽ |、 Here is not your diary notebook.
        レー-- 、ヽヾニ-ァ,ニ;=、_   !:::l ) } ト
       ヾ¨'7"ry、`   ー゙='ニ,,,`    }::ヽ(ノ   Write on the back side of the handbill.
:ーゝヽ、     !´ " ̄ 'l,;;;;,,,.、       ,i:::::::ミ
::::::::::::::::ヽ.-‐ ト、 r'_{   __)`ニゝ、  ,,iリ::::::::ミ    
::::::::::::::::::::Vi/l:::V'´;ッ`ニ´ー-ッ-,、:::::`"::::::::::::::;゙ ,   Na !
:::::::::::::::::::::::::N. ゙、::::ヾ,.`二ニ´∠,,.i::::::::::::::::::::///
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::l ヽ;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ /
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::! :|.\;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::/ /

218 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-21 08:37 ID:Heaven

                  /,.i i.l.i i ヘ
                     l i i i.l.i i i l     __
                 l i i i l i i i l   /     \
                   l i i i⊥i i i l  |This is   |
               ├'  |  `┤ ノ a     . |
                「ij.、_┴_,<|< Dope   .|
                  {N,(・)Y:(・)N} | consomme l
                    _rイヘ}::::;::^r/[、 ! soup.   /
          r 、  /l::::{フベ三'イrノ::ト、_        /
        _l ├‐'_ ..:.ヽ::>、rr<:::ノ:.:.:...`ーr―‐く
      /  l :.l::..::...:>:.:、 ̄!Yi ̄_r‐、/:.:... .:.:` __:.._ヽ
          .::.l ::|:. .´.. :: ..: ::` !:::l: . :: :: ::: .:. _( : ノ: :: :.::ヘ
       \::::!.:.l: :: ... _ ::、 ⌒:::r‐ク........ :.ヽ)r: :.:ノ::..:|
          .:::ヽl.:::!..::/..::::ノ: __)!:...ヘr:: :::___:::::::::::ト、.. ::_:::|
       `:.:::.r‐:し' .::/:.___::::1:.. :.:. .: .:--::::::::/: . : : :.ハ
       :.: ::: .:.:.:./---:::::::,小、::::::::::::::::::::::/:. : : .: /:.:.ハ
       :. ::.:.:.:__ノ`ー┬‐‐仁フ^ー‐┬―‐ハ: .: .:.:.!: .ノ〈
        ̄ ::::::!ヽ: .: . :l ̄`ー1: --ヘ:.l: :::::::l: : 「⌒:.:!:: :::::〉
       : : : /  ヽ!ヘ:l: ー‐ヘ〉ー‐ヘ:l: l/{!:./: .:.:::/r':.::/
       :::.ノ    ヽ:`ー―‐!r‐‐、ノ::::!  ヽ!:..::/::l:.::/

219 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-22 03:44 ID:vR74TpXu

         r、r'゙  `|  〉  >゙´ヽr、
      ,.r'`´i  l i  ! i  /  / ソL..、
     r' \ _,.! r‐ ' ´ ̄`` 'ヽ、/   / リ
     Lr'_´三´  ̄ `` ヽ、  ヽ/ /ヾfヽ、
    /,ィ /  / // ,.ィ  \  `< _,. -'  /
  / / /  / // /}  l   ヽ  ヽ ,. -‐'ヽ_
   / //  /,./-r、/ /  リ .l l il l  ヽ  i´  _,. - }
   /,イ/  / // / iヽ!  / ,1,1 l l  !ハ レ'´  ノ、
   ,1/  ,1ァ'fヽlヽ!'  /l/ 〉ト、/リ /リ い-‐´ ̄ ノ
   li l  l l ト{。:リ`   ノ メ/,1ヽ、/ !  l ヒニ ̄_ノ
   l li i{ 、i。ソ      ァ≧、/ ヽ/  l |!  `}
   |!l  ハ    ,.     ゝイ。:::}ヽ l/   リ ``ヽァ
   | ! l、ヽ  、      ヽ、。rノハ/    /   /
   ! li lヽ  、ヽ        ///  /   ソ
    } ハ ! ヽ         //  /    i{
    |リliトi   ト---- ─,イ/   /    ,1l
   ノ ハ! l ,..Lノl  ,.. -' ,!,./.ノ、  / /1 l|
    ,r ' ´ 、   !    /ィ     ヽ //| ',
.   /    ヽ  ,. ァ'/ /       ヽ !  ヽ
  __,.l       '´    !         ヘ ヽ
. {ゝ l    }       rl        , l
/  \  /  ,.    7´` フ、─ 、....._ /  l
/,仆 >'   /    { /´,.ノ__   `ヽ、 }
/ l /    i   , r' / ノ    `ヽ、   ト、
./ /     {    ,、/レ /ヽ、      `ヽ、 \
  ,!:..     ',  / li レ' ノ‐- ニ=      \/
. ヽ   __ ,.ソ´   i! =ニ ヽ、    ヽ、     ヽ
   ヽ/        ト、    ヽ      ヽ、r'
ヽソ/         !_}            _,. -l
 /          シ       、,..  ト、,.┘
/          / !ニ=-  /   ト、/

220 Name: boon 2006-02-25 16:06 ID:K7zxiifs

             「 ̄ `ヽ、   ______
             L -‐ '´  ̄ `ヽ- 、   〉
          /           ヽ\ /
        //  /  /      ヽヽ ヽ〈
        ヽ、レ! {  ム-t ハ li 、 i i  }ト、
         ハN | lヽ八l ヽjハVヽ、i j/ l !
         /ハ. l ヽk== , r= 、ノルl lL」
        ヽN、ハ l   ┌‐┐   ゛l ノl l
           ヽトjヽ、 ヽ_ノ   ノ//レ′
    r777777777tノ` ー r ´フ/′
   j´ニゝ        l|ヽ  _/`\
   〈 ‐He does not   lト、 /   〃ゝ、
   〈、ネunderstand English,F V=="/ イl.
   ト |although he    とニヽ二/  l
   ヽ.|lwants to deepenー-   ! `ヽ.   l
      |lfriendship.  lトニ、_ノ     ヾ、!
      |l__________l|   \    ソ

221 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-25 20:50 ID:XurNExIF

.     /  ,                \
    /   / l                 ヽ
  ,r'    /  ヾ,、               ゙,
. /   イ/    ` ` 、              }
 { i   | ゙      、,,`' 、 ,           j
 レ'、,  |      ,:r'"''‐ `'゙、  ,、‐‐、      l
   ゝ」、 、 , ,、‐''゙゙、゙'、-――t'''/ / l     |
    ,ゝ‐、_,',.  ' ,O 〉     V .( ゙, j     i
    ',.ヽソ. '、,,、 -'"       / /     j
     '‐レ゙             .,r'    ノ
      l` `      、     i'" ゙ヽ、,/
.      ゙、  ,,、 -‐'"      ノ    ヽァ、
       ゙、'´ ..       ,r゙     ノ ヾ^゙ヽ、
.       ゙,        ./    ,、r'  /   \
        !、     /  ,、r'"   /      /`'ー-
         `'''"入 ̄ ,、r ''"   ,、/      /
          く  .Y'"   .,、r'"/      /
         /" ` 、', ,、r''" /_____/
Who is this?

222 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-25 20:56 ID:HhuHjlro

                _,...-―‐-.、 _
           rーvイ ̄Lr冖Lrー┐::.:`ヽ、
         r‐ヘ.   l  {   Ll」  /7^ヽ、::.:\
         /∧_」==7´:: ̄`::F≠=、 /::.:::l::.:ヽ、
.      /  l::/::.:l::.::/l|::.::.::.::.::;:l|::.|::.::|::.:.|::.::.::.:| `ヽ、_
  _,. '´  _l:;'::.: |:l.::l::l|::.::.::.::./:リ:;小::l:|l:.:|::.::.::.:|    `丶、_
≦--――'´ |l::.::l:|:|::{|::l|::.::.::.;'l::/⊥|_|:l|:|::|::.::.::. |'^ ̄`¬ー‐-≧
`ヽ、     |{:l::.|:レ'T弌::.:: l | ノ /_工Tメ、::.::.::.|        /
  `ヽ、_   |:!|::.:ト ,ィ升卞::.|    丁!::`刈::.::.::.::|    ,. ‐ '′
      ` ¬|:lト、:l lハ::.::ハ ヽ   ト、::ノ} |::/::.::.::}T´丁
         l|::ヽ::.ヘ. ゞ=ツ      ^ー-' |/::.::.::.:|::|::.::|
           |::.::.:`ヽ\  ′     ノ/::./::.:l|::ll::.::|
         |::.l::.::l|:|ヽ、  ` V   彡リ::./::.:∧::||::.:|
            !::|::l:.:|:l|::.:l`ヽ、   , '´ /l::/::.::/}:l|::|l::.::l
           |::|:.|::.Vヽ:ヽ:{::.|:T:]   l:l:|:l::.:://l::l|::|l::.::|
          ヽ|:ヽ::.\\」>/}   |:l:|:|::/∧j::ヾ:ヽ::.ヽ.
          >、\::ヽ、 /___ 川ム-'′ `ヽ、::\::.\
          └ァ/`ー-ミ/   / レ'´       >ヘ::.::::}
            广l    l  /             / ̄Z
           Z |    レ'′             ∧二/

223 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2006-02-26 02:00 ID:8uV647f6

                  ___,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r-.,,__      _,ノ
             _,r''"::::::::;f´、,,r<::::`、-'` `、:::::::`ヽ、`ー-:;;_:::;;;>
           ,r" ::::::::::::f,_ ノ´ _ `、:::`、   `ー--::;;;ゝ、  `ヾ、
          f" : : : :::::fr''"_,,,r'''''ヽi::::::::i,_            `、
          f : : : ::::::;::;!`、' /:::::::::::::i:::::::::ト`ヽ,,________,,      `.、
.         f : : i; : ;i;::';i,,_ 7:::::::::::::::i::::::i:::i `、:::`:、:::`:、`..、      `.、
         i : : : i; : :i;:::i、 `i:::::::::i:::::::;!::::::i:::i,  .i;::::::::ヾ;;::`:、-`、     ヽ、
         !: :;:':,':'i: : 'i;:::`、i:::::::::i:::::ム!、:::ト、;!  i::;i;::;;;ゞi:::::i`  ヽ、     `、
         i :,: ; : :'i;: : i;::::::i;::::::::ト、;:::::ヽ` `  レ V,r<i::::::`、  `、      ヽ、
         'i; :,: ;:'::::i; : :'i;:::::!::::::::! `、:::::ト、     fっ::;!i:::::::::`、  `、      .`、
         ,!; ;' ::::::::'i; : :'i;::i;;;_::::!  `ー-ゝ    `ー´ 'i;:::::::::::`.、  `、     `.、
         i,>、,:':::::::::'i; : :.'i;:::::ヾ!、_,r。'´`、`    、   !ヾ::::::::::::`.、  `、      `、
         ,r´,!`i-、:::::::!: : :i、`、:::::`、ゝ-'´      ,  /`ヽゞ、;;;::::::トヽ  i,       .`、
.        f  i  i i、::::;!::;;;;i;`、:`、::::::`、    __,,.ノ ,/    i!ーヾ;:'i   .i,        `、
        ,!  !  ` !,7r'"  `ヾ、`、::::::`、     _ノ        `<'ー-.,'i        .i,
       i  i    f"       `、:::::::::`、'7'''' ´、`、i            'i,        i,
       i,,,,,______ /i!        .`、::::::::::`、 /  `、`.、           `、        !
          i:::::`,! i!         .i、::::::::::::`、   `,、`、           ` 、      i
.         ,!::::::i  `         ト、`ヾ、:::::ト、   ヽ,`i,ー-.,,__              ,!
         `、:::::'i           ヾ、`ヽ`ヾ、!   ,r´, '` 、   ̄'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''ー-‐'
          `i::::;! `、         'i,`ヽ,,,_`、  ,r', '   .`.、
.           i::i`、  `、         'i,' ' ' `''ヽ', '      `、
.           i:;! i   `、        i,     `、       ヽ
          ,ノ:i ',`、______`、        `、     .i       /
          i::::::!  ' - - - `、        `、           /
.         i:::::::!       `、       `、   ,'    ,/
.         ,i':::::::! ;       `、       `、    _,,./
        /:::::::::;! ;        i,ヽ       `、, ',./
        ,!::::::/ , '         ``、      .`<´
       ,!:::::::i、,.'            `、      `、`、
.     ,r'7i::::::::::`、             `、     `、::`.、
    ,r7 i:::i::::::::::::::`、            /.i、      `、::::`、
   / f  !:i:i;::::::::::::ト、`.、           .; i,',      `、::::::`、
   / !  レV`、:::::::::`、`ヽ、    ,r'      , i i,       .ト、;;:::`、
  i  i,    `、:::::::::`、           ; ,i 'i,       i, .V`ヽ
.  i   `、    `ヾ、:::::i,          , /  'i,       !
  i    `、      .`v'         , ,/    `、      !
 i     `.、     ',          ,/     .`、     !
 !       `ヽ、   ,        /        `、    i、
 !          ̄'''ー-、      i          .i     !i,
 i              `.、   _,ノ          .i    .i,'i,
 i,                `<´ `、!           i     ! !
  `、                .`.、 i,           i     ! !
.  `、                `、.'i,          i     i !
   `、                 `、`、         .,!     i! No.124

224 Name: benson_2009 : 2006-03-05 09:30 ID:ylMs9qpN

      _,、r=====、、,,_ ,r!'   ...::;il!
     ,r!'゙゙´       `'ヾ;、, ..::::;r!'゙
    ,i{゙‐'_,,_         :l}..::;r!゙
.  ,r!'゙´ ´-ー‐‐==、;;;:....   :;l!:;r゙
 ,rジ          `~''=;;:;il!::'li
. ill゙  ....         .:;ll:::: ゙li
..il'   ' ' '‐‐===、;;;;;;;:.... .;;il!::  ,il!
..ll          `"゙''l{::: ,,;r'゙
..'l!       . . . . . . ::l}::;rll(,
 'i,  ' ' -=====‐ー《:::il::゙ヾ;、            ENGLISH!!
  ゙i、            ::li:il::  ゙'\ 
  ゙li、      ..........,,ノ;i!:....    `' 、   ∧∧   ENGLISH!!
   `'=、:::::;;、:、===''ジ゙'==-、、,,,__ `''-(>∀< )
     `~''''===''"゙´        ~`''ー'ー(  )ミッ  ENGLISH!!
                           く く,,

225 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-03-07 02:59 ID:0D227U15


 <丶`∀´> ファミコンの起源は韓国ニダ!
 ( ||_|| )  チョパーリは謝罪と賠s(略
 |゜T ゜| 

 <丶・∀・> ところであっちの兄弟の弟は
 ( ||_|| )  影が薄いって聞いたけど
 |゜T ゜|   本当かなぁ?

226 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-04-01 22:00 ID:KeeVNoJb


The bad guy in Castle In The Sky/Laputa.

227 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-04-05 00:24 ID:r8PKOb8g

   ∧_∧  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
  ( ´∀`)< MONAR! Im a hit. Uh don't give me
  (    )  \ that do goody-good bull〜shit.
  | | |    \______________

228 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-04-05 12:05 ID:X+j2dISL

where can you buy 2ch goods like mona t-shirts? with worldwide shipping

229 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-04-07 14:07 ID:4ZnBzrkQ

Shopping moll on internet.

230 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-04-15 04:20 ID:scF8ksYK

This thread is very nice Thank you

231 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-04-16 23:36 ID:Heaven

Thanks! I've been wondering a long time. He keeps popping up in 2ch flashes.

Do you know the address to any particular site?

232 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-04-22 11:56 ID:TdR6ODfS

233 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-04-29 01:07 ID:TH7M37iM

       __     __     __     __     __
       '=[三]ョ、  '=[三]ョ、 , '=[三]=、  , '=[三]=、. ,'´=[三]ョ
      ( /゙"ヽリソリ ( /゙"ヽリソ リソノ゙"ヽ)リ リソノ゙"ヽ)リ リソリノ゙"ヽ)
       リ、゚ -゚bijヽ ノリ、゚ -゚ ijヽ ノji ゚ -゚ ノ ヽ ノji ゚ -゚ ノ ヽ ノjid゚ -゚ノ
      '=[三]ョ、   '=[三]ョ、 , '=[三]=、 , '=[三]=、  ,'´=[三]ョ
     ( /゙"ヽリソリ  ( /゙"ヽリソ  リソノ゙"ヽ)リ リソノ゙"ヽ)リ リソリノ゙"ヽ)
      リ、゚ -゚bijヽ ノリ、゚ -゚ ijヽ ノji ゚ -゚ ノ ヽ ノji ゚ -゚ ノ ヽ ノjid゚ -゚ノ
     '=[三]ョ、  '=[三]ョ、   , '=[三]=、  , '=[三]=、  ,'´=[三]ョ
    ( /゙"ヽリソリ  ( /゙"ヽリソ  リソノ゙"ヽ)リ  リソノ゙"ヽ)リ  リソリノ゙"ヽ)
     リ、゚ -゚bijヽ ノリ、゚ -゚ ijヽ  ノji ゚ -゚ ノ ヽ ノji ゚ -゚ ノ ヽ ノjid゚ -゚ノ
    '=[三]ョ、   '=[三]ョ、   , '=[三]=、  , '=[三]=、  ,'´=[三]ョ
   ( /゙"ヽリソリ  ( /゙"ヽリソ   リソノ゙"ヽ)リ  リソノ゙"ヽ)リ  リソリノ゙"ヽ)
    リ、゚ -゚bijヽ  ノリ、゚ -゚ ijヽ   ノji ゚ -゚ ノ ヽ  ノji ゚ -゚ ノ ヽ  ノjid゚ -゚ノ
    (つ」7∩=  (つ」7∩=  (つ」7∩=  (つ」7∩=  (つ」7∩=
    </j_|_>    </j_|_>    く/_|j_>     く/_|j_>    く/_|j_>
     しヽ.)     し'U     し'U      し'U      し'ノ

234 Name: Kopipai : 2006-05-24 06:01 ID:y3pCryVo

(´・ ω・`)
(__________) Syobon

(・∀・) Jien

.   ┏━━┓
.   ┃・∀・┃
. ┗╋━━╋┛
.   ┛    ┗ Youkan/Youkanman

Charhan is the little guy making stirfry all the time

(・ ω・)ノ
ノ ヽ Okashi

Shiraneeyo is the long necked, almost dinosaur like cat, looks a little like a stretched out Shii

I have others here, but I'm unable to "draw" them out at the moment.

235 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-24 22:44 ID:5n8LEPjO

    ( ゚    )
    |o  |
    |0  |
    ( ・∀・)
     )   (

236 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-05-27 19:59 ID:Heaven

(´・ω・)is called "kawaisosu"-"feel pity""feel sorry"in English
It is neither Shobon nor Pa.

(´・ω・) He is poor at English.I feel pity.

237 Name: Kopipa : 2006-06-03 05:50 ID:o/eefT4d

The lil guy with the condom is called "Marara" There's also "Pushiiko" and Marara's balls. (Sorry for the foul language, but its true)

238 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-06-07 16:00 ID:mf2k2fgt

  ∧_∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ( ・∀・) < It is difficult (to use bulletin board system) for person
 (    )  \ who can hardly recognize a poke pie as a poke pie.
 | | |     \_____

239 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-06-10 11:11 ID:Heaven

  ∧__∧    / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ((/ デ.ㄟ) < It is difficult life.
 (    )  \
 | | |     \_____
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