[Study] 2channel AA characters - who what where why [Study] (451)

1 Name: lolocaust!rsvcwx6Axc 2005-04-04 15:50 ID:Heaven


ITT we study the characteristics, origins, etc. of all the various 2channel AA characters!

See here http://www.blogjam.com/index.php?p=000948
and here http://shii.org/2chgrounds/faq
and here http://aa.2ch.net/mona/kako/1024/10241/1024144855.html
and here http://aa5.2ch.net/test/read.cgi/aasaloon/1081639199/
and here http://members.at.infoseek.co.jp/maruheso/aadic/index.html

@@ ΘQΘ@@@^PPPP
@@i@EΝEj@ƒ@Loosen up! Please.
@@i@@@@j @@_QQQQ@Don't disorder the conduct of BBS!
@@b b@|

442 Name: asd(asd-dsa) : 2017-10-11 13:46 ID:cQtEXUF3

i_@@ 'L@VRR ^)
@@ _i!iiΨί ƒŽίΙΩ
@@i^@ ‚΅'Ɂ_j

Birthday is August 2, 2002*

She was born with Cookle teacher thread in 2ch mona board,
It is character that vase that was on the desk has been turned into a human form.

It is found that has the intention in the 1st thread 241,
Will be recognized as a student in that it has submitted a Book report in the 2nd thread 398,
And it is found that can be transformed into a human form in the 3rd thread 294,
It became popular character of thread.

Later, her dedicated thread made in the same board and many characters were born with a bottle as a motif.
Dedicated thread is y‰³—‚́z@@ƒG@@ƒŠ@@ƒA@@‚W@@‚V@@y‰Τ‰€z

*The birthday is the date we first transformed.

Her born thread
y—‰ΘzƒNƒbƒNƒ‹ζΆ ŽOŽžŠΤ–ځy—‰Θz

See also

443 Post deleted.

444 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2018-06-11 14:07 ID:hdufGgGC



445 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2018-09-19 11:15 ID:N/8JIZ2f

446 Name: Lucas Exacustides : 2022-02-15 13:33 ID:CDcxJqwc


447 Name: Lucas : 2022-02-15 13:34 ID:CDcxJqwc


448 This post sucked.

449 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2022-09-15 18:15 ID:q9+7Eeuq

what's up broskis

450 Name: anon : 2022-09-15 22:05 ID:Heaven


Just amazed that this post is still a thing. Just crying that these characters are still used, from way back when I was still an idiot in middleschool compared to the adult idiot Im now who never did something with his life.

451 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2022-09-16 19:10 ID:xsyWn5wE

>>450 they're an inherent part of the human condition
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