yStoryzMonar MonogatariyStoryz (82)

37 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V 2005-09-08 07:39 ID:LAAb2oCh

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The problem occurred when "Wata" who is a Flash creater made "Mayahee" flash.

At first, she used Monar, Onigiri and so on.

For a while after she opens Flash to the public, "Avex" which is a proposed to her, "Let's market Flash with CD".
She accepted.
They thought that the impression of Monar is not good at the people.
She rewrote the face of Monar a little and ended opening old Flash to the public.
They named it "Drinker Cat".
It is a pretender only of rewriting the face of Monar!!!
However, AVEX insists it is original on this!!
In addition, it is advertised as a mascot character of 2ch like Monar!!!
AA including Monar is a community property!!!No one can own it!!
They try to gain money preying on "nameless people on BBS".
If Monar is marketed as Monar, we would say OK.
We cannot allow that they pretended an original work the character which plagiarized Monar!!!

Help us!! Help Monar!!

I hope a lot of people to know this.
To dear friends in the other side of sea.

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