( ゚ ヮ゚) Ask Mittens! (364)

1 Name: !sD8cVq28Ts : 2006-07-24 18:03 ID:Ccn6ZFYR

( ゚ ヮ゚) I love being unoriginal! Ask me anything, why mittens are so cute, why scarves aren't as awesome as mittens and so on!

248 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-10-03 11:50 ID:hiqkv2sG

∧ ∧               
( ゚Д゚) Is it okay to wipe my ass with a mitten if there's no toilet paper around?

249 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-10-04 03:29 ID:30s+cqtf

,'´r==ミ、 Hello >>248, Suigintou here. Mittens has asked me to tell you that
卯,iリノ))))   you are freaking him/her out and if you don't stop, I will
|l〉l ゚ -゚ノl  drive big black feathers deep into your testicles. Understand? 

250 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-10-05 16:07 ID:mSQCo6ZM

∧ ∧               
( ゚Д゚) What's that thing on your head?

251 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2007-10-06 00:00 ID:hvBkomLu

             ,'´r==ミ、       >>;;―         >>;;―
       ,_ _ _   卯,iリノ)))〉 _ _ _        >>;;―
     /   `."-|l〉l.#゚ -゚ノl/      >>;;―        >>;;―     ∧∧
    '"'⌒`~"'" ''|/'i)卯iつゝ '''"ー"``        >>;;―         ∩Tд゚)
            ''y /x lヽ           >>;;―           /  /
           l†/しソ†|        >>;;―      −=≡   ⊂  / >>250
           lノ   レ                       −=≡ヽ)
 It's called hair, Einstien. Enjoy your nut feathers.
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