Sam I Am (58)

15 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-07-27 18:57 ID:miZKFthn

i L_Mj Ya know, Sina, you and we have always had some interests in common, like defeating Japan, containing Soviet ambitions in Asia, and now there's this Al Qaeda thing that's causing trouble for us in the Middle East and for you in Xinjiang Province.

I think it's a shame you and us don't get along better. Especially nowadays. We share a common enemy in Islamist terrorism, and I have to wonder why you're so eager to sell weapons to countries like Iran, when they're as likely as not to give them to terrorists in Xinjiang who will use them against your own citizens.

I'm just saying, man. I'm just saying. Shouldn't we try to be friends?
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