Sam I Am (58)

26 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-04 03:11 ID:fWoCsTy4

>>25 i L_MjOh, absolutely a lot of people in this country hate Bush. And it's for a lot of reasons. His smarmy attitude, his lies, his "anything for a barrel of oil" logic, and the way he has tricked the religious right into believing he is the president chosen by God. The man hasn't done one damn good thing for this country...gasoline prices have skyrocked as has the national debt, the whole world now despises us because of his shitty behavior, and he has caused a deep divide between many Americans. And worst of all, a lot of good soldiers are dying for no good reason. I dare someone to show me what he's done for this country that's been good.
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