Sam I Am (58)

30 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-05 01:53 ID:fWoCsTy4

>>27i L_˝MjUnfortunatly, there is no way to make a president resign in this country. When a president is voted into a four-year term, he has the right to serve that whole term. We need to scrap the antiquated electoral system for federal elections in this country, and replace it with one that allows for a no-confidence vote.

32 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-08-05 06:34 ID:2rFiE4TM


>>27i L_˝MjUnfortunately, there is no way to make a president resign in this country. When a president is voted into a four-year term, he has the right to serve that whole term. We need to scrap the antiquated electoral system for federal elections in this country, and replace it with one that allows for a no-confidence vote.
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