Sam I Am (58)

35 Name: !ayMLpr/KpQ : 2006-08-05 22:43 ID:mMM7JVtI

>>31 i L_˝MjThank you. I consider that to be a big compliment.

>>32 Uhhhh...WTF?

>>33 He's being bashed pretty badly by his opponents right now, as well as by a lot of people in the press. Even a lot of people in congress who once supported him are now backing away, since it's a federal election year, and they're worried his low approval ratings might affect their re-election. As far as soothing the American people, he really hasn't. I feel most people in this country have been so disenchanted with politcs in general, that they just don't want to get involved anymore, which is exactly why the US is in the mess it is right now.
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