Sam I Am (58)

56 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2006-09-06 05:57 ID:Heaven

(,, ゚Д゚)hello Sam. how are you doing?
Japan is celebrating for Princess Kiko and Japanese Imperial family.
She gave a birth for a boy and we are very happy to see the Japanese Imperial family can continue
their line.
    ∧_∧   ∧_∧     ∧,,∧.       /■\
    ( ´∀`)  (・∀・ )    ミ,,゚Д゚彡     ( ´∀`)
    (    ..つォ、   ..つォ、 (ミ   ミつォ、   (つ   つォ、
    人  Y  ((祝))  Y ((祝)) ミ   ミ ((祝)).  ( ヽノ ((祝))
    し(__)   し(__)     し""∪      し(_)
some of Tokyo and Kyoto residents are going to Join Lantern march.

By the way , what is the most famous BBS for American people?
I would like to check out what American people are thinking
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