Nida becomes a man (25)

1 Name: !KhhfR9rWiw : 2008-07-07 04:58 ID:AmyXET98

.@@@@@@@@@@@@@ΘQΘ@ ^PPPPPPPPP
.@@@@@@@@@@@@ iLΝM@jƒ What are you reading?
@ ΘQΘ@@ @ @ @ i@@@@j@ _QQQQQQQQQ
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@i‚Β|ά|ά|. @ @@@ iQiQj@Θ Θ ?!
@ (ά)(ά)@@@@@@@@@@@@ (ί„Dί )PP ~`
|@Porno from COREA nida. Urinara makes best porn. Manse!

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-07 10:54 ID:Q/QHvu2f


3 Name: !h.PIrahtpM : 2008-07-07 16:23 ID:AmyXET98

@@|@ Dirty stories of Corea - part 1 @@@@@@ @ @ @ @@ |
@@@@ @ @| <MΝL > | @ @ @ @ @ @| <MΝL > |
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@@@@@@@@ ‚­Q_j‚΅'@@@@@@@@@@‚­Q_j‚΅'

4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-07 17:47 ID:qOw+yBPI

We Japanese are so proud of our porn industry. We beat everyone in porn because our women want to be sluts. And because our men are the most perverted midgets in the world.

In Japan being a whore is a great honor. Japanese families hold grand celebrates when their daughters become prostitutes. Its Japanese culture at its finest. But we are sad because we have tiny penises that under perform :(

5 Name: !h.PIrahtpM : 2008-07-07 17:57 ID:AmyXET98

@@„«@@|@@@@@ |@@@@@@|@@
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@@„«@ __|__@@@@__|__@ @ __|__@@kekeke I killed many choppari nida
@@„«@ | 쪽 |@@@| 쪽 |@@| 쪽 |@@@@@@@@@ ΘQΘ
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Nida killed the last of the Japanese invaders, making him a hero in all of Corea. Having done so, he wants to celebrate with a female and a bottle of rice-wine.

6 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-07 18:01 ID:WIc3w8BS

Impossible. There would be no remains. Nida would have just nuked them.

7 Name: !h.PIrahtpM : 2008-07-07 18:17 ID:AmyXET98

If they were invading, that would have meant nuking Corea, causing mutations for his countrymen. Japan would have gotten another nuke though!

Either way, there is a lonely village slut:

@@@‚Œ VƒmƒnRr@@@@@@I need some lovin' nida.
@@ ˜Έ<i.MΝL؁@@@@@@ I wanna go places one cannot
@@@@q‚Β’UO@@@@@@@@go by something battery-powered.
@›`/ ‚V‚sR@@@_‘_@ƒΔ@@
@@@@`°\]' @ciQ±@@@@

8 Name: Lucas-kun : 2008-07-09 17:12 ID:QCVNVZUo


9 Name: !h.PIrahtpM : 2008-07-09 18:22 ID:AmyXET98

So Nida comes to the next village over, where he hears the whore speak through an open window. He knocks on the door...and the rest is history

@@@@@@ ΘQΘ@@@@@@@@@@
@@@@((( i@ ‚Β @ΘƒnΘ@@@@@
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@@@@@i_i__l__,‚Β €‚@@

10 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-07-13 07:11 ID:AmyXET98

...later, he becomes very successful exporting electronics, fathering many children by several wives, girlfriends, and drunken bar-sluts.

<˜€EΝE> the moral of the story, little Coreans, is if you kill choppari, you become successful and rich like me!

11 Name: GOD!XHM5n0AhgA : 2008-07-13 19:45 ID:Heaven

Don't listen to this Hitler maniac!

12 Name: GOD!XHM5n0AhgA : 2008-07-13 19:46 ID:Heaven

Coz I sayz so!!

13 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-07-14 01:39 ID:AmyXET98

@@|@ Dirty stories of Corea - part 1 @@@@@@ @ @ @ @@ |
@@@@ @ @| <MΝL > | @ @ @ @ @ @| <MΝL > |
@@@@@@@R@@@@Ι @@@@@@@@@R@@@@Ι
@@@@@@@@ ‚x@@l @ @ @ @@@@@@‚x@@l
@@@@@@@@ ‚­Q_j‚΅'@@@@@@@@@@‚­Q_j‚΅'

9 months after the affair with his willing but gappy lover, Nida's son, Nida Jr. popped out.

<˜€MΝL> kekeke

14 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-07-14 01:39 ID:AmyXET98

@@|@ Dirty stories of Corea - part 2 @@@@@@ @ @ @ @@ |
@@@@ @ @| <MΝL > | @ @ @ @ @ @| <MΝL > |
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@@@@@@@@ ‚x@@l @ @ @ @@@@@@‚x@@l
@@@@@@@@ ‚­Q_j‚΅'@@@@@@@@@@‚­Q_j‚΅'

9 months after the affair with his willing but gappy lover, Nida's son, Nida Jr. popped out.

<˜€MΝL> kekeke

15 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-14 02:12 ID:Heaven

y so fast one =.= ...............

16 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-07-14 03:59 ID:AmyXET98

friggin' double post nida. It went through even though I did not change the '1' to '2' nida. Aigoh...disregard >>13

Either way, Nida Jr. became more prolific than his old man. Until...

@@ Θ Θ
@@ (*߁[ί) <Nida, I want your man-meat!
@@@‚t ‚t

...he fell for a choppari bitch, putting at risk the Corean purity of the blood of his offspring.

17 Name: lol!k8x0iPPCiQ : 2008-07-14 04:02 ID:Heaven

but she is a cat!

18 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-07-14 07:48 ID:AmyXET98

<#MΝL> but she is CHOPPARI cat nida...

<˜€ίΝί> !!! however, Nida Jr. had a problem that night...he could not rise to the occasion. So he ate her pussy all through the night, and Shii had one helluva'n orgasm.

19 Name: lol!k8x0iPPCiQ : 2008-07-14 21:39 ID:Heaven

Cats also cannnnnnn................

20 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-15 15:09 ID:4QI/FDuo

U should say....

"Cats also fineeee.........

21 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-21 08:22 ID:TkiGlA60

(LΝM) but the the shock waves from the choppari orgasm sunk the two nations of Korea and Japan.

22 Name: test : 2008-08-21 09:24 ID:Heaven


23 Name: - : 2008-08-21 09:26 ID:Heaven


24 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-08-26 19:52 ID:Heaven

@^ ☣ _@@ ^ ☣ _
k@i◣◢jl@k@i◣◢jl This thread is currently being fagged up by !6uEugrVNa6
@i‚Β‡b ‚Á@ @i‚Β‡b ‚Á@@@@Quarantine procedures are taking effect.
@b b@|@@@b b@|@@@@@All civilians, please evacuate the area immediately
@i_QjQj@@i_QjQj@@@@and await further instruction.

25 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-08-27 10:45 ID:AmyXET98

@^ ☣ _@@ ^ ☣ _
<@i◣◢j>@<@i◣◢j> This thread is currently being fagged up by ID:Heaven
@i‚ΒŠΨ ‚Á@ @i‚ΒŠΨ ‚Á@@@@Quarantine procedures are now under way.
@b b@|@@@b b@|@@@@@All Coreans, please evacuate the area immediately
@i_QjQj@@i_QjQj@@@@and await further instruction.
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