[HowTo] SJIS Art Tutorial? [SJIS] (10)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-27 13:29 ID:U997Nm0u

I need someone to teach me how to create SJIS art. Can anyone help me?

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-27 17:03 ID:13ePJcLz

  ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,∧,,∧   / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
〜′,,,,,,,,,,ミ,,゚Д゚彡<  What are you talking about ?
 UU"""" U U    \____________

3 Name: !6uEugrVNa6 : 2008-07-28 00:18 ID:S/zZE+fY

               / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
 ̄ ̄∨ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ |  pasta...
 日 M [] 0 U U レ―――――――――――――――――――――――――
 U ∩    %<`∀´ >
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  (   ,,)日<    >∇ ...nida <^^>
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 ━┳━   └┃―・゙
 ̄ ┻ ̄ ̄ ̄ ┻ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄

4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-28 02:10 ID:Heaven

    ┣ヽ  ̄ / (・ω・)┫∧┃
    ┣、ハ,,、 \ (\ ノ∧┃ ズコープラモ

       ヽ(・ω・)/   ズコー
      \(.\ ノ
    、ハ,,、  ̄

5 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-28 09:09 ID:TDcgF/T5


Do you mean copying from the character map? Is there any easier way (by simply typing in on the keyboard) rather than having to constantly switch back and forth from the character map; rather tiring if you ask me.

If there is anyway to generate the characters by simply using keyboard, could you tell me how?

6 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-28 13:37 ID:wE8Elf/s

Google "ascii art editor", and see what you can get out of that. There are a few programs that let you make your own AA from scratch or from regular picture files.

I think what >>3 was referring to was kopipe or copypasta, lifting ascii art from other places and changing it to suit your post.

But just because most people who like AA take the easy way out doesn't make you silly for wanting to do it on your own, nobody'd have copypasta if it weren't for the people who made the originals...

7 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-07-28 13:47 ID:wE8Elf/s

>>6 here again, I forgot to mention that most of the stuff you see here was made on Japanese keyboards by Japanese people, and it's not quite so easy to cook it up on a western machine using a western keyboard. It's also known as SHIFT_JIS art, after the encoding used on Japanese web pages.

I'd say that if you really prefer this style to the stuff made by westerners, copy and save some of the stuff you find around the web, as plain text if possible, and then just play with it a bit. Using the Mona font will help a lot, due to the character spacing uniformity. You'll get the hang of it quickly, but be sure to preview your posts here, notice how many copypasta AA thingies on here get broken and people just keep on copying and pasting without bothering to fix it...

8 Name: >>7 : 2008-07-28 13:48 ID:wE8Elf/s

Aaaaand I just saw the thread title again and realized half of what I posted was irrelevant before I even posted it...


9 Name: 1 : 2008-07-28 16:01 ID:31J1M2vr


Thanks very much for your help. I've begun searching for good ASCII art editors. I hope there are no issues regarding support for SHIFT_JIS in normal ASCII art editors; I mean, they should be the same, right?

And about the Japanese keyboard layout issue, you mentioned about keyboard layouts, which I suppose can be switched in Windows? But will switching layouts in Windows help?

10 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-14 08:25 ID:QtEYkU8a

>>5, copypasta means:
1. Go to ni-channel BBS, any AA board.
2. Copy the entire post.
3. Change it a bit (faces, text, etc).
4. Post it where you want.
5. NO PROFIT, in order to avoid unnecessary taxes.
Simple is that. (・ω・)
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