Dragon Quest in AA (42)

1 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-24 11:45 ID:WsTTLIgw

                           _..,,  .,,--,,.  ,,.._
                        ..,,-''´  `'''    '''´  `''-,,..
                    ..,,-‐'´ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :`''‐-,,..
                  r''´: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :`''ヽ
               ..,,-‐': : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :'‐-,,..
              (: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :)
               ''‐-,,: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : :,,-‐''
                 `): : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : (´
                  ´''-―-、,.,,, -―''´li: : : : : : : : : : : :il`'' ―- ,,,., ,-―-''`
                            ,li : : : : : : : : : : : : li,                     /lヽ  __
  _                        il : : : : : : : : : : : : : il               __  _..,,,--―'''´ /ヽ
/ヽ  ̄''''''―-,,,,..,-、-- ,,,... ,、,,,.._     __ r'´: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :ヾ   __..,, ,,-‐'''゙゙´,l r''゙゙´ ヽ/ _....,,,,..._  / /
ヽ/ヽ_  ,,..._  ヽヘ  ,-、 ヽl,  ヘ   r'´ ヽ,r---、 ,,,..  ..,,, ,r---、 ,l ̄,l'l ,l,l  ,l'''゙゙´./ rヽ  /r´// .,l ,l)/ /
 ヽ//ヘ ヘ ヘ  ヽ  `-' ノ.l,  ヘ r'l l^l__l | ,-, .|| ヘl  l | ,-, | ,l ,l ,l ,l,l  '''--,/ く__'--,'ヽ// ,l ,l .ヽ、/
    ̄ヘ ヘ ヘ ヘ  .l    ヽl, lフ ヘ l .l ,--,l l l ||    l | .| l l ,l ,l ,l ,l,l  ,-―'ゝ、  ヽ  //  ,l ,l
     ヘ ヘ ヘ__ノ   lヘ ヘ^、 ヘl,   ヘ l .l_l l | .l_l ||    l | .l_l |,l ,l ,l ,l,l  ,l__..., /`くフ / ././  ,l ,l
     ヘ/、     ノ ヘ__ヘヘ__ヘl __l`、_ヘゝ___ノ、ゝ__ノ|_lヘ__| ゝ __ノゝ,,,,...__ノl___  ,lヽ、,,._ノ / /ヽ.,,l ,l
     く  >-‐'''゙゙゙/ヘ/__/、/__/ l__/、/_/-―' `ー' '--'`'-'  く,,._/>ヽ,,,..__ヽノヽ__ ̄ヽヽ  ヽl ./ /\l
      ヽ/_...,,,-‐'´              ゝ: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : r'         ̄   ゙゙̄''''|,/  /
                 Dragon Quest li: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :il ~The existences which make a contrast~
                           'li: : : : : : : : : : : : : : :li'
                    、`''―-'''゙゙´‐-''´: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :`''-‐`゙゙'''-―´,
                   ,): : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : (、
               ,,-‐'': : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : :''‐-、
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               ''‐-,,: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ..,,-‐''
                  ゞ,,.: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :.,,ノ
                   `''‐-、,..: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :..,-‐''´
                       `゙゙-,__ ..,,.. -― .,,__,,. ―- ..,,.. __,-゙゙´

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-24 11:47 ID:WsTTLIgw

― Enerst village ―

       ..,,-= ::;; .,
     ,-=;: ..: .   ミ
  彡''‐- ,,.. ::: .: ;;:爻
,-=';;::. .: :::;..ミ ...::彡三ミ         ,/ヘ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヘ
 ゙゙ー,,.从 . :::;.ゞr'´::. :. ...:ミ        /  ヘ三   三;;;::ヘ  ..: :-=:.
; :: .爻 :: ..: .r': :.. .::;;;爻: . li)       /   ヘ三三  ::: :: ヘ彡 ;:.爻ミ;:..
ゞ . :: :;; ::.:彡-=,, .,: :::; ::彡       ,/    ヘ :: : :... 三 ヘ; :: .从:;': : ...: :ミ
  ヾi:..l|  |l:::iヾl|:::i|         /,,___,,ヘ,,_____,,ヘ::(i;:. .. .爻 :.;:i;:.
   li:..|l  l:::i|. li:::l       .,,-―|l ,-―-,  l|l       l| ミ''-=,,..:: :;彡
   |l:::i|  |i:::| |:::li      l´ ゙゙̄'|l |l_l_l_l_l|  l|l       l|  |::ll |i::l
   il::;|i  li:::|i li:::|      |ロlロl .|l |l_l_l_l_l|  l|l       l|  i::l| l::i|
   li:..|l  |:::li  |:::li     :|ロlロl :|l '‐--‐'  l|l       l|  |::il l::li
   |l:::i|  l:::il  l:::il      |ロlロl |l       l|l       l|  li::| |i;;|
   il::;|i  |::ll  ,|:::li   キキキキキキキキキキ____,,l|_キキキキキキキキキキキキキ
  ''゙゙''゙'''゙゙`''゙゙''゙'''゙゙`''゙゙''           `''::.   `''::.
 ; ;;; ; ;; ; ; ; ;;;;;:::: .; ;: ;; :: ;:;::;; :;;:: . . . :. . .. . .: :. `'';:.、   `'';:、 ;; ;: ;:: :::. ... : ...: .... ..
; ;;;;; ; ; ; ;;: ;: ;:;: : ; ; ;: ; : : :; :; ;: ::::: ; : ;: . .. .:.: .. . ..`'';:,,.   `'';:.. :: . . :; ; ::; ;: ; . ...
 :: :: ;;: ;;;; ; ; ; :;;;; : ;;;;  .: ; ; ;: ;:::; ; :; . . : :. . . .: ...  `.;:    `'';:,.;;: ;:: ;;:: :. . . : . ..
 ; ;;; ; ;; ; ; ; ;;;;;:::: .; ;: ;; :: ;:;::;; :;;:: . . . :. . .. . .: :.  : . ::. .. .`:;     `'';:,. : : .. . : ... :
;;;; ; ; ; ;;: ;: ;:;: : ; ; ;: ; : : :; :; ;: ::::: ; : ;: . .. .:.: .. . .. : . .:....:. .:;       `'';;:.. : :: . : ::..
 :: :: ;;: ;;;; ; ; ; :;;;; : ;;;;  .: ; ; ;: ;:::; ; :; . . : :. . . .: ...    .:;'        `'';:,.. : :. ....

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-24 11:47 ID:WsTTLIgw

        __...,,, ,,,..._       __...,,, ,,,..._
     ___,l\ :::::::\ \___,l\ :::::::\ \_
    /\  |\\ :::::::\ \   |\\ :::::::\ \\
   ,/   \\\\__...,,,、,,,..._、  \\\__...,,,、,,,..._、\
   /     \\\l_____l    \\l_____l  \
  ,/        \\l__li_il_|     \l__li_il_|   \
 /          \_________________\
  |`゙゙゙゙'''''―-、,.    i____________________i
  | i       `゙゙゙'''‐| i |                      :|i
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |    ____             |i
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |   l\     \   ___    :|i
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |   |\l二二二二i  i'l\    \   |i  [l=={lll}==l]
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |   |i___| :i|  :i |\l二二二i  :|i  [l:  ||  l]
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |   |____\i|  :i |     |i   |i  [lr''゙´||`゙ヽl]
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |             i |O     :|i   |i  |ゝ,,...||...,,ノ|
  `'`゙゙゙゙'''''―-、,.   | i |            :i |     :|i   |i  |;;;:::.. ̄  |
         `゙゙゙'''‐|、i,|_________,i |_____|i__|i  ゝ,,.,._..,,ノ
                           `'      `

4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-24 11:50 ID:WsTTLIgw

  |Alku・・・I have something to tell you for a while.
  |Come here.

      l´ ,彡ミ`、                   ?
      (_,ノ  ゝ_)                     ハ,,,ハ
 l\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \           .(=o==(^(
 i\\                 \          (´∀`,,)
 il l\\                 \        U: y:l
 il li  \\                 \      んノ|ヽゝ
 `-'    \\___________,\     し(_)
        il | li―――――――――――, li
        il | li                  il li
        `''-'                `-'

5 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-24 11:57 ID:WsTTLIgw

  |Well, tomorrow, it is your 15th birthday.
  |And then, on the tomorrow morning, we will have a ceremony which is our family's tradition
  |at the Altar for Sleeping. Are you OK?

      l´ ,彡ミ`、
      (_,ノ  ゝ_)                 ハ,,,ハ
 l\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \       (=o==(^(
 i\\                 \      (´∀`,,)
 il l\\                 \    l:y :U
 il li  \\                 \  んノ|ヽゝ
 `-'    \\___________,\ (_(_)
        il | li―――――――――――, li
        il | li                  il li        ┏━━━━━┓
        `''-'                `-'        .┃  YES   ┃
                                      ┃[> NO   ┃

6 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-24 12:02 ID:WsTTLIgw

  |What? You asked why we should have a ceremony. Well・・・
  |I must tell you as I expected. It is not avoidable,
  |you mean・・・

       ハ,,,ハ  !
      l´ ,彡ミ`、
      (_,ノ  ゝ_)                 ハ,,,ハ
 l\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \       (=o==(^(
 i\\                 \     (´∀`,,)
 il l\\                 \    l:y :U
 il li  \\                 \  んノ|ヽゝ
 `-'    \\___________,\ (_(_)
        il | li―――――――――――, li
        il | li                  il li
        `''-'                `-' ┛

7 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-24 12:05 ID:WsTTLIgw

  |It happened ages ago・・・hundreds years ago・・・

       (,, ´m)━・~~
      l´ ,彡 l/^)
      (_,ノ  lノ                 ハ,,,ハ
 l\ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ \       (=o==(^(
 i\\                 \     (´∀`,,)
 il l\\                 \    l:y :U
 il li  \\                 \  んノ|ヽゝ
 `-'    \\___________,\ (_(_)
        il | li―――――――――――, li
        il | li                  il li
        `''-'                `-' To be continued..................................

8 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-30 13:29 ID:u4mcbe9I

  ┃???``・・・Oh, Metton fluits is not enough. I will search them・・・''

9 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-30 13:29 ID:u4mcbe9I

        __...,,, ,,,..._       __...,,, ,,,..._
     ___,l\ :::::::\ \___,l\ :::::::\ \_
    /\  |\\ :::::::\ \   |\\ :::::::\ \\
   ,/   \\\\__...,,,、,,,..._、  \\\__...,,,、,,,..._、\
   /     \\\l_____l    \\l_____l  \
  ,/        \\l__li_il_|     \l__li_il_|   \
 /          \_________________\
  |`゙゙゙゙'''''―-、,.    i____________________i
  | i       `゙゙゙'''‐| i |                      :|i
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |    ____             |i
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |   l\     \   ___    :|i
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |   |\l二二二二i  i'l\    \   |i  [l=={lll}==l]
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |   |i___| :i|  :i |\l二二二i  :|i  [l:  ||  l]
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |   |____\i|  :i |     |i   |i  [lr''゙´||`゙ヽl]
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |             i |O     :|i   |i  |ゝ,,...||...,,ノ|
  `'`゙゙゙゙'''''―-、,.   | i |            :i |     :|i   |i  |;;;:::.. ̄  |
         `゙゙゙'''‐|、i,|_________,i |_____|i__|i  ゝ,,.,._..,,ノ
                           `'      `
                                .|ノリ ゚ー゚)

10 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-30 13:31 ID:u4mcbe9I

                     ;;:\    li;;;:.. ノ
                     ヽ;;:.ヽ  /;;;:... ,/
                     . il:::. li  li;;;:... li
                      l、;;:.li  l;;:... il/i
                       ヽ;;:.Y;;;:... li/
                         〉;;;::.. r'
                        ,li;;;::... li
                        il;;:::.. il'
                        il;;;:::.. il
                         il;;;;::::. li
 ,., ., ,. ,.., ,. ,._ __,. .,, .,  _ ,, ,.,__  ノ;;;:::.. r'   ,. ., ., .,__ ,. , ,., .,
                r))ハ=ヘヘ   ,―――――――――――――――
                .|ノリ;゚-)  < Oh, I can't find even a Metton fruit・・・.
                ノ,U゙゙'†')   |Is it too late to come here a little?
                ノ=,o〈     '―――――――――――――――

11 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-30 13:33 ID:u4mcbe9I

;;:\    li;;;:.. ノ                       ゝ ..::;li  /;;::../
ヽ;;:.ヽ  /;;;:... ,/                        ヽ .::ヽ /..::; /
. il:::. li  li;;;:... li                         li ..::;li li..::; l
 l、;;:.li  l;;:... il/i                        iヘli ..::l li..:: ノ
  ヽ;;:.Y;;;:... li/                        ヘli ..:;;Y..::;r'
    〉;;;::.. r'                          ヽ ...:::;;〈
   ,li;;;::... li                           li ...:::;;li,
   il;;:::.. il'                            'li ...::;;li
   il;;;:::.. il                            il ...::;;il
    il;;;;::::. li                            il ...::;;;i
   ノ;;;:::.. r'   ,. ., ., .,__ ,. , ,., .,              ゝ...:::;;;ヽ
  `''''゙゙''´'''´`               ,.,..,__ ,.,_,..__ ,. ,ノ  ....:::;;;ヽ,..,_
     ハ,,,ハ ハ,,,ハ                          ''''゙゙゙´''''゙゙゙`'
    〔`Y´〕ヘヘ=ヘヘ ?
    ノ==,〈          ノ^ハヘヘ――--,,..._
    ん,,,..__ゝ        と(д`liとii―- ,,,,.....ゝ ;;: ;::;. ;.: .. .. ,.., . .... .;: :;. .;: .....
    |Well, there is none of them here, too・・・.
    | Er・・・?

12 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-30 14:31 ID:u4mcbe9I

;;:\    li;;;:.. ノ                       ゝ ..::;li  /;;::../
ヽ;;:.ヽ  /;;;:... ,/                        ヽ .::ヽ /..::; /
. il:::. li  li;;;:... li                         li ..::;li li..::; l
 l、;;:.li  l;;:... il/i                        iヘli ..::l li..:: ノ
  ヽ;;:.Y;;;:... li/                        ヘli ..:;;Y..::;r'
    〉;;;::.. r'                          ヽ ...:::;;〈
   ,li;;;::... li                           li ...:::;;li,
   il;;:::.. il'                            'li ...::;;li
   il;;;:::.. il                            il ...::;;il
    il;;;;::::. li                            il ...::;;;i
   ノ;;;:::.. r'   ,. ., ., .,__ ,. , ,., .,              ゝ...:::;;;ヽ
  `''''゙゙''´'''´`               ,.,..,__ ,.,_,..__ ,. ,ノ  ....:::;;;ヽ,..,_
     ハ,,,ハ                             ''''゙゙゙´''''゙゙゙`'
    r))ハ=ヘヘ !
     ノ=o〈          ノ^ハヘヘ――--,,..._
    ん,,,..__ゝ        と(д`liとii―- ,,,,.....ゝ ;;: ;::;. ;.: .. .. ,.., . .... .;: :;. .;: .....
    |Oh no!Ar are you OK!?You are injured so badly・・・!
    | Anyway, I must cure you right now!  

13 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-30 14:31 ID:u4mcbe9I

        __...,,, ,,,..._       __...,,, ,,,..._
     ___,l\ :::::::\ \___,l\ :::::::\ \_
    /\  |\\ :::::::\ \   |\\ :::::::\ \\
   ,/   \\\\__...,,,、,,,..._、  \\\__...,,,、,,,..._、\
   /     \\\l_____l    \\l_____l  \
  ,/        \\l__li_il_|     \l__li_il_|   \
 /          \_________________\
  |`゙゙゙゙'''''―-、,.    i____________________i
  | i       `゙゙゙'''‐| i |                      :|i
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |    ____             |i
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |   l\     \   ___    :|i
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |   |\l二二二二i  i'l\    \   |i  [l=={lll}==l]
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |   |i___| :i|  :i |\l二二二i  :|i  [l:  ||  l]
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |   |____\i|  :i |     |i   |i  [lr''゙´||`゙ヽl]
  | i;;;;;;:::::::......    | i |             i |O     :|i   |i  |ゝ,,...||...,,ノ|
  `'`゙゙゙゙'''''―-、,.   | i |            :i |     :|i   |i  |;;;:::.. ̄  |
         `゙゙゙'''‐|、i,|_________,i |_____|i__|i  ゝ,,.,._..,,ノ
                           `'      `        
                                   ハ,,,ハ       zuru zuru…
                                    ん,,,..__)ノし',.__,,ゝ :;;: .. .. .:; . .. .;: .. .. . :.; .....

                             | Here you came my home・・・

14 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-30 14:33 ID:u4mcbe9I

                         |Don't worry. You will be OK!
 ___ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ____    (lニ|0|二二二二フ
 |__シ;´д) __|      l``' --‐'´l       ハ,,,ハ
 |\_〃´ ̄ ̄ ヽ.__\    `''‐--‐''´       ノノ=ハ((ヽ
 | |\,.-~´ ̄ ̄ ` ー~\     | |         (゚ー゚ リヘ|
 \|∫\   _,. - 、_,. - 、_ \   ,| |、       と('†'゙゙^つ
   \   \________\. `'''´         〉o=ヘ
    \  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|           ん,,,..__ゝ

15 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-11-30 14:34 ID:u4mcbe9I

                  ゝ,_ _,ノ
         _       l|/i\|l       _
        ヘ"`'' ‐- ,,,..____l|/i\|l____..,,, -‐ ''´"/
         ヘ,::: : : : :...    ̄ ̄     ... : : ::::/
          ヘ   To Be Continued   /
           ゝ,‐- ,,.._ ,-―‐-,. _..,, -‐、ノ
                 `|::::::|  |
                  :|::::::|  |
                  :|::::::|  |
                  :|::::::|  |
                  :|::::::|  |
                  :|::::::|  |
                  :|::::::|  |
                  :|::::::|  |
                  :|::::::|  |
                  :|::::::|  |
                  :|::::::|  |
                  :|::::::|  |
                  :|::::::|  |
                    _..|::::::|  |,,..__
               ''" ̄"''-''" ̄"''

16 Name: ultraman : 2008-11-30 16:50 ID:kIrtZBFu



17 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-01 11:32 ID:uLvDTV2w

  ┃A few days later・・・

18 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-01 11:33 ID:uLvDTV2w

  |・・・Nn・・・Uu・・・Where is here・・・?
   〃       gabba                           
     ,ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ          ,、
 ____シ´дと)____    (lニ|0|二二二二フ     
 |___/:O'y'lノ____|     l``' --‐'´l    
 |\_〃´ ̄ ̄ ヽ.__\  ハ,,,ハ''‐--‐''´    
 | |\,.-~´ ̄ ̄ ` ー~ ノノ=ハ((ヽ    ,――――
 \|∫\   _,. - 、_,. - 、_(つと^ヽ|  < Nm・・・?
   \   \______  \'゙ヘ    '――――
    \  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|,._)っ 

19 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-01 11:39 ID:uLvDTV2w

     ,ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ          ,、
 ____シ,,´д)____    (lニ|0|二二二二フ     
 |___/:O'y'lO__|      l``' --‐'´l    
 |\_〃´ ̄ ̄ ヽ.__\  ハ,,,ハ''‐--‐''´    
 | |\,.-~´ ̄ ̄ ` ー~ ノノ=ハ((ヽ    ,―――――――――――――――――  
 \|∫\   _,. - 、_,. - 、_ (ー゚ リヘ|    < Oh, you waked up finally!
   \   \______(つと^ヽ     :| Great!You had been unconscious so long
    \  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|,._)っ  | and I afraided you can't wake up anymore!
      \||________|     '―――――――――――――――――

20 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-01 11:43 ID:uLvDTV2w

                ヽ    ヽ
        ///     i    ,i  ―― -- ,,,...
       ///      ノ   ,/   ―― -- ,,,...  \
      r'r'r'r'r'     ⊂ノ^ハヘヘ /    ―― -- ,,,... \ \
     / / / /        (´д`,,シ             \ \ ヽ
    / / / /           U,、               \ ヽ
 __________     (lニ|0|二二二二フ         ヽ
 |__      __|      l``' --‐'´l   ハ,,,ハ
 |\_〃´ ̄ ̄ ヽ.__\    `''‐--‐''´  r))ハ=ヘヘ             ノ^ハヘヘ
 | |\,.-~´ ̄ ̄ ` ー~\     | |    |ノリ ゚-゚)              ,,(д`,,シ
 \|∫\   _,. - 、_,. - 、_ \   ,| |、   ノ,U゙゙'†')     ゝ二二二二二|0|とl二)、
   \   \________\. `'''´    〉=,oヘ              `'.l=l==lヘ
    \  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|      ん,,,..__ゝ              (_(_,),,ゝ
                                 |Tell me where is here?
                        |・・・・・・・Here is my home. You were so seriously injured in the forest.
                        |That's why I moved you here
                        |and taked care of you

21 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-01 11:48 ID:uLvDTV2w

 __________       ,-―‐-、                       /〉
 |__      __|      l`''‐--‐'´l   ハ,,,ハ                「O」
 |\_〃´ ̄ ̄ ヽ.__\    `''‐--‐''´  r))ハ=ヘヘ             ノ^ハヘヘ
 | |\,.-~´ ̄ ̄ ` ー~\     | |    |ノリ ゚ー゚)              (´д`シ
 \|∫\   _,. - 、_,. - 、_ \   ,| |、   ノ,U゙゙'†')つ             .(^∞^)、
   \   \________\. `'''´    〉=oヘ              / l=l==lヘ
    \  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|      ん,,,..__ゝ            ゝ(_(_,),,ゝ
                       |・・・Is it true?I am so sorry.
                       |It was so rude to aim my sword at somebody
                       |who saved my life. Please forgive me・・・
                     |It is all right. I am grad because you understood me.

22 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-01 11:55 ID:uLvDTV2w

 __________       ,-―‐-、       !               /〉
 |__      __|      l`''‐--‐'´l   ハ,,,ハ                「O」
 |\_〃´ ̄ ̄ ヽ.__\    `''‐--‐''´  r))ハ=ヘヘ             ノ^ハヘヘ
 | |\,.-~´ ̄ ̄ ` ー~\     | |    |ノリ;゚o゚)             (д`;シ  Gakk…
 \|∫\   _,. - 、_,. - 、_ \   ,| |、   ノ(^つと)             ,/^y''^ヽ
   \   \________\. `'''´    〉=oヘ              (,_l⌒l -U
    \  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|      ん,,,..__ゝ            ん(_)-Jゝ
                     |Are you OK!?You are not completely cured!
                     |Don't move please or your wounds will open. Come back the bed and rest please!

23 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-01 11:58 ID:uLvDTV2w

  |You must be hungry. Wait a while please.
  |I will cook something for you.
     ,ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ          ,、
 ____シ,,´д)____    (lニ|0|二二二二フ     
 |___/:O'y'lO__|      l``' -- ハ,,,ハ
 |\_〃´ ̄ ̄ ヽ.__\    `''‐--ノノ=ハ((ヽ
 | |\,.-~´ ̄ ̄ ` ー~\     |  (゚ー゚ リヘ|
 \|∫\   _,. - 、_,. - 、_ \   ,| と('†'゙゙^つゝ
   \   \________\. `'''´ 〉o=ヘ
    \  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|   ん,,,..__ゝ

24 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-01 12:03 ID:uLvDTV2w

         |Here I come back!
         |It is a dish of nutritious soup!
     ,ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ          ,、        (    )
 ____シ,,´ ‐)____    (lニ|0|二二二二フ  ヽ  ノ    
 |___/:O'y'lO__|      l``' --‐'´l     ( ノ ハ,,,ハ
 |\_〃´ ̄ ̄ ヽ.__\    `''‐--‐''´      ヽ ノノ=ハ((ヽ
 | |\,.-~´ ̄ ̄ ` ー~\     | |        (( (゚ー゚ リヘ|
 \|∫\   _,. - 、_,. - 、_ \   ,| |、        ゝニと^)
   \   \________\. `'''´          〉o=ヘ
    \  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|            ん,,,..__ゝ

25 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-01 12:09 ID:uLvDTV2w

    |・・・・・・!What this soup is made from!?It's so bitter!
         |Well・・This soup is made from several kinds of medical herbs and vegetables.
         |Eat it completely please or you can't be all right
                        ヽ  )
               ハ,,,ハ      (  ノ              
     ,ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ    ノノ=ハ((ヽ     ノノ
 ____シ;゚д゚)____  (ヮ゚ リヘ|   ゝニニノ <ヘ 
 |___/:O'y'lO_ C==と('†'゙゙^つ  l``' --‐'´l「O」     
 |\_〃´ ̄ ̄ ヽ.__\ 〉o=ヘ   `''‐--‐''´ ヽヽ
 | |\,.-~´ ̄ ̄ ` ー~\_,,,.__ゝ    | |    ヘヘ
 \|∫\   _,. - 、_,. - 、_ \       .,| |、    ヘノ
   \   \________\    `'''´
    \  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|

26 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-01 12:16 ID:uLvDTV2w

  |I can remember nothing・・・ I can't remember I was unconscious
  |in the forest and the reason I was injured so badly. I don't even know who I am・・・
     ,ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ          ,、
 ____シ´д`)____     (lニ|0|二二二二フ     
 |___/:O'y'lO__|      l``' --‐'´l    
 |\_〃´ ̄ ̄ ヽ.__\  ハ,,,ハ''‐--‐''´    
 | |\,.-~´ ̄ ̄ ` ー~ ノノ=ハ((ヽ    ,――――――――――――――――――― 
 \|∫\   _,. - 、_,. - 、_ (o゚ リヘ|    < You've lost ・・・your memory. Your name・・・Can you
   \   \______(つと^ヽ     :| remember your name?I still don't know your name.
    \  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|,._)っ  | My name is Ena. Can you tell me your name?
      \||________|     '――――――――――――――――――――

27 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-01 12:20 ID:uLvDTV2w

  |My name・・・?I am・・・・・E・・・・・・S・・・・・・T・・・。
  |Yes, my name is Est.
     ,ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ          ,、
 ____シ,,´д)____     (lニ|0|二二二二フ     
 |___/:O'y'lO__|      l``' --‐'´l    
 |\_〃´ ̄ ̄ ヽ.__\  ハ,,,ハ''‐--‐''´    
 | |\,.-~´ ̄ ̄ ` ー~ ノノ=ハ((ヽ    ,――――――――――――――――――
 \|∫\   _,. - 、_,. - 、_ (ー゚ リヘ|    < Est・・・. That's your name.
   \   \______(つと^ヽ     :| Don't worry, Est. You can be here in my home
    \  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|,._)っ  | until you can recover your own memory.
      \||________|     '――――――――――――――――――

                        To be continued............................

28 Name: Nida!!E/ZDqiyc : 2008-12-01 12:53 ID:px0CTGO2

  |Make love to me
     ,ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ          ,、
 ____シ´д`)____     (lニ|0|二二二二フ     
 |___/:O'y'lO__|      l``' --‐'´l    
 |\_〃´ ̄ ̄ ヽ.__\  ハ,,,ハ''‐--‐''´    
 | |\,.-~´ ̄ ̄ ` ー~ ノノ=ハ((ヽ    ,――――――――――――――――――― 
 \|∫\   _,. - 、_,. - 、_ (o゚ リヘ|    < Sure thing, baby!
   \   \______(つと^ヽ     :|
    \  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|,._)っ  |
      \||________|     '――――――――――――――――――――

29 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-03 14:10 ID:cUYTKapg

           ハ,,,ハ   ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ
          r))ハ=ヘヘ シ,,´ー`)
          |ノリ ゚ー゚)  ,U^''y^i)
         ノ,ノつと)  / l==l=lヽ     (○)
         とん,,,.._ノ ん(,_)_)ゝ     ヽ|〃
,...,,,,,,,...   ,,,..,,   ,,,..,,,.,.,,.,,,  ,,,,    ,,,.,.,,,,   ,,.,,,...,,,.,   ,,,.,,,..,...,  ,,.,,,,,    ,,..,,
                    ""''''                      '''""''''

  ┃A few days later, a few months later, Est's memory didn't recover..
  ┃However he didn't care about the past memory anymore.
  ┃Because he was satisfied with the present life. The days with Ena
  ┃made him forget the emptiness of his mind・・・

30 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-03 14:15 ID:cUYTKapg

 ___r))ハ=ヘヘ___       ,-―‐-、        /〉
 |__|ノリ ´ー)____,|      l`''‐--‐'´l       「O」
 |\_〃´ ̄ ̄ ヽ.__\    `''‐--‐''´  ,、,,,... ノ^ハヘヘ
 | |\,.-~´ ̄ ̄ ` ー~\     | |    i リ´-) (ー` ,,シ
 \|∫\   _,. - 、_,. - 、_ \   ,| |、   ゝ ̄''フと二^)
   \   \________\. `'''´     ̄ / l=l==lヘ
    \  || ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄|        .ゝ(_(_,),,ゝ

  ┃Naturally・・・they two fell in love. They could have a child.
  ┃They two named the baby・・・``Oliver''.

31 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-03 14:19 ID:cUYTKapg

         (⌒''';::: :. ...ゞ: . ..爻)⌒^ゞ.:; ..:. . ... .:;;;:;⌒爻 .. :. ..:⌒)
          ゞ⌒;:.; ... ^ゝ爻 .;: :. ...^ゞ .::.⌒)⌒^ゞ.:. .. .... .:;:.ノ
            ヾ:;.: . .. ⌒爻 .::..^ヾ,;;: ...:.⌒フ.:;. ...⌒ヾゝ
             く.:;:; ⌒''´^ヾ.:; :; .... :.⌒^ヾ爻.: .... .⌒フ
              (^;:.:⌒ヾ.:; .. , ,⌒^ゞ .:;;:.^ゞ''´ヾ)-‐'´
                  ,./:; l:; ;:ill;:: : . . .ヘ
                  i|;:.:; ;.l .;:;: . .. ..:;;ヘ
                  ヘ:;.il :;.;l:;.i:;. . ,. .. i|
                   /;: il:;:; ;l:; ;: .: .../
                   |i ;:.:il.;: :;.:l :; . .i|
                   ヘil ;:;l :.; . ; . , ,ヘ
                   /;::; :l:;:l i;:. .: .. /
                  ,./:; l:; ;:ill;:: : . . .ヘ
                  i|;;:l ;:;ii;: ::; ..: .. . .,|i
,.,,、.,.、,.,w ,.,..w,..,W,.w,..,,.、,.,,_._ノ;:__.;:.,.,_,.:;_:;. .,._ .:;ゝ_., ,.. ..、,. ,、w ,., w,.,.Ww,., ,、,. ,、,. w,. w,.,,

    ハ,,,ハ     「O」
   r))ハ=ヘヘ  ノ^ハヘヘ          ,、,、   ヘ/
   |ノリ ´ー)    (´ー`,,シ         ノ'ハヘヘ   ''‐-、
   ノ(llつ†')    (^∞^)         ツ´∀)     ヘ,,.  っ
   i##i.oヘ    / l==l=lヽ         lっl:lっ      ) ヽ  っ
   ん,,,..__ゝ  ん(,_)_)ゝ       /_し'      (,,゚∀゚)
  ┃Est, Ena・・・and Oliver. Their life was so happy like a picture.
  ┃The hapiness seemed to be forever・・・

32 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-03 14:26 ID:cUYTKapg

         (⌒''';::: :. ...ゞ: . ..爻)⌒^ゞ.:; ..:. . ... .:;;;:;⌒爻 .. :. ..:⌒)
          ゞ⌒;:.; ... ^ゝ爻 .;: :. ...^ゞ .::.⌒)⌒^ゞ.:. .. .... .:;:.ノ
            ヾ:;.: . .. ⌒爻 .::..^ヾ,;;: ...:.⌒フ.:;. ...⌒ヾゝ
             く.:;:; ⌒''´^ヾ.:; :; .... :.⌒^ヾ爻.: .... .⌒フ
              (^;:.:⌒ヾ.:; .. , ,⌒^ゞ .:;;:.^ゞ''´ヾ)-‐'´
                  ,./:; l:; ;:ill;:: : . . .ヘ
                  i|;:.:; ;.l .;:;: . .. ..:;;ヘ
                  ヘ:;.il :;.;l:;.i:;. . ,. .. i|
                   /;: il:;:; ;l:; ;: .: .../
                   |i ;:.:il.;: :;.:l :; . .i|
                   ヘil ;:;l :.; . ; . , ,ヘ
                   /;::; :l:;:l i;:. .: .. /
                  ,./:; l:; ;:ill;:: : . . .ヘ
                  i|;;:l ;:;ii;: ::; ..: .. . .,|i
,.,,、.,.、,.,w ,.,..w,..,W,.w,..,,.、,.,,_._ノ;:__.;:.,.,_,.:;_:;. .,._ .:;ゝ_., ,.. ..、,. ,、w ,., w,.,.Ww,., ,、,. ,、,. w,. w,.,,
                r'´ノ       ミ
              .//     ハ,,,ハ  /l 
        ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ//      ノ'リヘヘヾ,//
        シ ´д)^)´>      爪`д´//
        /´^''y^iノ         (二つO>
        ゝ_),=l=lヽ         /_ヽ_ヽ
       ,ん(,_)_)ゝ        し(_)
  ┃The begining happened a few days later from Oliver's 16th birthday.
  ┃Oliver was taught the technique of sword by his father Est
  ┃・・・and it had happened・・・
                                              To be continued........................................

33 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-06 12:35 ID:dn44cPOP

         (⌒''';::: :. ...ゞ: . ..爻)⌒^ゞ.:; ..:. . ... .:;;;:;⌒爻 .. :. ..:⌒)
          ゞ⌒;:.; ... ^ゝ爻 .;: :. ...^ゞ .::.⌒)⌒^ゞ.:. .. .... .:;:.ノ
            ヾ:;.: . .. ⌒爻 .::..^ヾ,;;: ...:.⌒フ.:;. ...⌒ヾゝ
             く.:;:; ⌒''´^ヾ.:; :; .... :.⌒^ヾ爻.: .... .⌒フ
              (^;:.:⌒ヾ.:; .. , ,⌒^ゞ .:;;:.^ゞ''´ヾ)-‐'´
                  ,./:; l:; ;:ill;:: : . . .ヘ
                  i|;:.:; ;.l .;:;: . .. ..:;;ヘ
                  ヘ:;.il :;.;l:;.i:;. . ,. .. i|
                   /;: il:;:; ;l:; ;: .: .../
                   |i ;:.:il.;: :;.:l :; . .i|
                   ヘil ;:;l :.; . ; . , ,ヘ
                   /;::; :l:;:l i;:. .: .. /
                  ,./:; l:; ;:ill;:: : . . .ヘ
                  i|;;:l ;:;ii;: ::; ..: .. . .,|i
,.,,、.,.、,.,w ,.,..w,..,W,.w,..,,.、,.,,_._ノ;:__.;:.,.,_,.:;_:;. .,._ .:;ゝ_., ,.. ..、,. ,、w ,., w,.,.Ww,., ,、,. ,、,. w,. w,.,,
                          ! 「O」
                     ハ,,,ハ   ノ^ハヘヘ
                    :ノ'リヘヘヾ:   (д`;シ
                   :爪;゚д):   ,/^y''^ヽ
                   :,_/、つと):   (,_l⌒l -U
                  :とi__,ノ_.ノ:   ん(_)-Jゝ

  ┃Suddenly, excruciating pain attacked Oliver.
  ┃Something was controling his body・・・Oliver was geting unconscious・・・
  ┃And it awaked・・・

34 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-06 12:37 ID:dn44cPOP

             .:;'´     .,.:;:;'゙゙´
               ハ,,,ハ  `'';:.
         `'';:;...  ノ'リヘヘヾ .:;'´
            . U、,l:_lJ  .::;;'´
          `゙;::.. ノ、ノ、ノ
              し'し'  .:;:;'´
  ┃―――― The demon blood ――――

35 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-06 12:49 ID:dn44cPOP

      .,,._.,              /;:./ヘ
     /;;:.;:i|,              /;;::.. ヘ::n
    /ヘ;:;;::.: ..ヘ            i,;;; :: ./::i:|
   li;;:;:il;::;:.;... .i             ヘ;: _:;.r'/
   i|;;;:ヘ;;;:::..::.i|      ハ,,,ハ     `゙゙''´
   ヘ;;;:;l,::::::.../      ノ'リヘヘヾ    ';: .:;.'
    `゙''、_r'''゙     (^、ii゚∀゚)^)    .: .:
              ヘ}、,l:_l,/     .:
     .:;:.' .:. .      ノ、ノ、ノ      .,
     . : .: .       し'し'       .
      .:.                       _
              ...:::;;;;:::....        /^ヘヘ  ヾ  
                           ,、(` シ,,..、ノ 
                  .ゝ二二二二二|0|とl,   ヘ、
                          `' /    ヘ)
  ┃The demon power was recovered by Oliver・・・but he had still a human body・・・ 
  ┃A man can't control such big power and Oliver was losing himself.
  ┃However, there was another person who recover the power.

36 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-06 13:03 ID:dn44cPOP

                    (´д`シ ,、

  ┃Est recovered his memory with the shock when Oliver awakened his demon blood.
  ┃Even though he hadn't known who he was ・・・ for 17 years.
  ┃He hadn't been able to remember even a single past thing. But・・・He rememberd.

37 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-06 13:09 ID:dn44cPOP

                  /;:./ヘ       ―――― Zubaaaan!!
        ハ,,,ハ       /;;::.._ヘ::n
       ノ/'/'リヽ        , . . . ..
     (^、(::д゚ii/^) ...,,,,:;:;;;:'''゙゙´ 
      ..,,,:::;:;; ''゙゙´::;;:''   -=;;::..:ニ=;:.  
   ,,:;;''゙´;;:::... ,,:;;''゙´      i,;;; :: ./::i:|
   ;::::...   ...::::;        ヘ;: _:;.r'/             ,r'´ノ . ... . .
    `゙'';::..   `゙'';::..      `゙゙''´              ,// . : : : . . .
      `'';;:::...  `'';;:....              ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ// ::: : : . . .
         `゙゙'''';;;::;: ; : ; : :......          シ `д)^)、>
                           ..,,と^''y^ ,/
                         ..,,-‐'' .ノ==ハ=ヽ

  ┃He was awared of himself.
  ┃He is `` the king of demons - Est ''
                                      To be continued..................................................

38 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-08 13:24 ID:srfE5uTs

   |Est!What happened!?Oliver is・・・OLIVER!
         |・・・Don't worry, Ena. Oliver is OK.
         |I just made his demon blood sleep.
           ハ,,,ハ                  ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ
          r))ハ=ヘヘ                 シ,, ´д)
          |ノリ;゚o)    ハ,,,ハ            ,U^''y^i)
         ノ,ノヽ'†')、  ノ/'/'リヽ  _        / l==l=lヽ
        とんゝ,).ノ、,) と('д`llと^l,_>っ     ん(,_)_)ゝ  

39 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-08 13:34 ID:srfE5uTs

   |Demon blood・・・you said?Est・・・What do you mean?
       |I'm sorry, Ena. Even I thought I can't remember the past.
       |But I recovered my memory. I am not a man・・・
       |Also, I am not an existence in this world.
       | I am a demon - the existence which must not be in this world・・・
       | I must go back to ・・・my own world.
       | I have something to do!

            ハ,,,ハ                     「O」
          r))ハ=ヘヘ                  ノ^ハヘヘ
          .|ノリ;゚-゚)                   (´д`シ
          ノ,U゙゙'†')   ハ,,,ハ             (i^y''^U
           ノ=,o〈   ノ/'/'リヽ            / l=l==lヘ
           ん,,,..__ゝ と('д`llと^l,_>っ       ゝ(_(_,),,ゝ

40 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-08 13:36 ID:srfE5uTs

   |Est!Are you going to leave us!?
   |Is it more important than your family!?
                |Forgive me, Ena・・・

            ハ,,,ハ                     「O」
          r))ハ=ヘヘ                  ノ^ハヘヘ
          .|ノリ;゚o゚)                   (д` シ
          ノ,(つと)   ハ,,,ハ             .とi^y''^つ
           ノ=,o〈   ノ/'/'リヽ            / l=l==lヘ
           ん,,,..__ゝ と('д`llと^l,_>っ       ゝ(_(_,),,ゝ

41 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-08 13:46 ID:srfE5uTs

   |Please pass Olive thjs sword・・・.
   |Someday, Oliver will be married with somebody・・・and have children.
   |Now the demon blood flowing in his body is sleeping. But his child's
   |demon blood will be awake when he or she become adults.
   |This sword can prevent it. Please tell Oliver not to be awake the demon blood again.
   |Please, Ena!
          r))ハ=ヘヘ               ,_   ノ^ハヘヘ
          .|ノリ;゚-゚)               l:|    (д´ シ
          ノ,U゙゙'†')   ハ,,,ハ         .〔O〕   とi^y''^U、
           ノ=,o〈   ノ/'/'リヽ         :| :|   /ノ=ハ==、ヽ
           ん,,,..__ゝ と('д`llと^l,_>っ    | :|  く(_)(_,),,ゝ

42 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2008-12-08 13:49 ID:srfE5uTs

       |OK・・・!Cetainly・・・. If you hope so,
       |I can't stop you anymore!Hick・・・Uu・・・Good luck・・・Darling!

           ハ,,,ハ                ,_         ノ'ノ'ハ^ヽ
          r))ハ=ヘヘ               l:|         シ,, `д)
          |ノリ ゚´o)    ハ,,,ハ         .〔O〕        ,U^''y^i)
         ノ,ノヽ'†')、  ノ/'/'リヽ  _       :| :|       ,ノ 人,=Y
        とんヽ,).ノ、,) と('д`llと^l,_>っ    | :|      ん,し(_)  

                                       To be continued..........................................................
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