Anti Bumper (5)

1 Name: Pablo : 2010-06-10 21:21 ID:UP9v4JG5

 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄」
       ____.____    |  Throw bumpers out of the window
     |        |        |   | Problem solved
     |        | ∧_∧ |   |   ☆ 
     |        |( ´∀`)つミ |  / \
     |        |/ ⊃  ノ |   | (;´Д`)    ♪ 
        ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄    |  ヽつ  ⊃
                        |   ヽつ_つ 

2 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-09-01 01:13 ID:Fe3GX4YE

  '´   ヽ
●lカノノル ピノ● He meant rubber baby buggy bumpers, pyo!
  从 ゚ ヮ゚ ノソ  That's hard to pronounce, pyo!
   / B ヽ
  <     >
   (/ ∪

3 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-09-04 09:56 ID:Sk0N7+XU


  ︡- ͠-
=( _ )=

no one cares.

4 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2010-09-04 21:24 ID:uXEdasdl


Only Freddie Mercury can pronounce it fast, and properly.

5 Name: CTRL+C & CTRL+V : 2011-09-13 21:01 ID:Sbcc1JPU

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