Can you help me identify a short story? (10)

8 Name: Bookworm : 2006-10-04 21:25 ID:TQ4tDkKp

It's not as noticeable as one might think. I'd say well over 90% of your readers glazed over most of that paragraph following a meandering first paragraph. They lost trust in you, and yet they helped you out by devaluing the words that followed and in effect the shitty reuse of the very phrase which sums up your post. You could have simply written that phrase twice and achieved a more understanderable post. Post. Post post post.

p.s. This sounds like a sweet ass story. I like when authors explore such issues that they're familiar with rather than writing another shitty piece of shit fiction. Huxley mentions this through the doctor in After many a summer. I also find that I can not write a single genuine word outside of pure documented fact and physical occurrence when I'm not ecstatically depressed.

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