Four Great Classical Novels (8)

1 Name: Bookworm : 2008-01-28 16:26 ID:GOjxQ51N

Last year I started celebrating the Chinese New Year by reading one of the Four Great Classical Novels. I started out with the Dream of the Red Chamber, which is easily one of the greatest books I've ever read. It's so full of a work — if any piece of art can be said to come close to capturing the massive, noisy, everythingness of life, it's this.
I'm not sure which one I should read this year. Halp.

  • Romance of the Three Kingdoms
  • Water Margin
  • Journey to the West
  • Comedy option: The Plum in the Golden Vase
  • Dream of the Red Chamber

2 Name: Bookworm : 2008-02-03 23:30 ID:7CZUM0qm

I tried to read Water Margin once in English translation but couldn't keep all the names straight.

Try Journey to the West I guess, it's lighthearted at least.

3 Name: Bookworm : 2008-02-04 03:38 ID:0j75ts3m

3 kingdoms. Also did you just read part 1 or the all the books of dream of red chamber?

4 Name: Bookworm : 2008-02-05 05:32 ID:Heaven

Sorry to post this question and then totally disregard your advice, but I got Water Margin after a friend recommended a good translation of it (t. Sidney Shapiro).
I read the Red Chamber it its entirety, can't remember the translator's name but it was published by the Foreign Languages Press.
I think I'm going to put off Three Kingdoms to the end. Frankly, it's daunting, and I would feel more confident if I have three other books weighing on me to finish it than if I just went in alone.

With that resolved I guess this could just be a discussion thread. And I've been wondering a bit about this
couldn't keep all the names straight.
just what is with the proliferation of characters in these books? Classical French and English and Greek and Roman works don't have anything at all like it.

5 Name: Bookworm : 2008-03-13 21:54 ID:LYTXXk/c

Water Margin's pretty good.

It's misogynistic, and everything is solved with violence, but so what? Makes for a great read, even if characters seem to only become names after their own little arcs.

6 Name: Bookworm : 2008-03-15 02:53 ID:WlrHuD2G

ahh you forget the Chin Ping Mei or the Golden Lotus. good ol Hsi Men and his multitudinous concubines.

7 Name: Bookworm : 2008-03-18 15:52 ID:rNu/ty71

I've only read the three kingdoms, really liked it.

8 Name: Bookworm : 2008-03-22 22:46 ID:Heaven

I finished to-day Water Margin. The ending was awe-inspiring. Still trying to ken who came out on top. Yeah, the just are remembered forever, but that the wicked are an inexorable part of the world of the living is pretty damn depressing.

also why doesn't kareha have spoiler tag thingies? it's hard to discuss in generalities
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