UNIX redone (254)

112 Name: #!usr/bin/anon 2005-12-07 04:15 ID:6c6Bs/TO

I thought that this thread was already the spec. You take UNIX and you correct what has been stated to be wrong.
And people may actually take steps to fix UNIX if enough people are pissed off at its current state. Somebody comes up with the idea, somebody with the work. I have seen my share of interesting projets started that way from discussion.
But you know, you really shouldn't expect people to design or develop a complete operating system to make a point in an Internet discussion.

And you cannot say that OS X is UNIX because it is not perceived as such by normal users (by normal users, I mean people who only use terminal.app when coding). It is not a pretty GUI on the top of a standard UNIX, it is UNIX reworked until you could integrate it into Mac OS.

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