UNIX redone (254)

113 Name: dmpk2k!hinhT6kz2E 2005-12-07 07:13 ID:Heaven

> OSX is Unix.

So... if I mention the mess of libraries that plague *nix, then I'm misguided because that isn't UNIX, but if I mention OSX, all of a sudden it is? You defend against many of my criticisms, yet when OSX attempts to fix those same problems you want to take credit for that?

> Windows -- glad your sense of humor is still there.

I favour pragmatism. I try to use the best tool for the job, and for some things Windows is that tool. Are you saying that there's nothing Windows is better at?

> QNX is a real-time operating system, so it's not suited to the same purposes as Unix.

Why no, it isn't, although the embedded folks would be interested to hear that. Mind you, QNX isn't too bad as a general *nix replacement either. Ever used it for desktop?

But we weren't discussing specific domains. We were discussing flaws with *nix. Just because *nix makes a good server doesn't mean that it has no problems. So the directory hierarchy is ugly, what does that have to do with it serving webpages?

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