[Sharing]Your personal projects[Inspiration] (109)

1 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2014-11-08 13:20 ID:p3iUEkWT This thread was merged from the former /code/ board. You can view the archive here.

What are your (current) hobby projects? What languages or libraries are you using? How usable or complete is it? What makes what you're doing novel or great?
No need to be smug or anything, or get all angry at other people for using <thing you hate>. Just share what you're up to. Add a URL if it's public too, if you want.

I'll start. I'm writing a stack-based language in Racket for use in embedded devices. It's already got Hindley-Milner style type inference, it just needs to actually produce output.
I'm also planning a modal text editor that feels like vim and a music-making program somehow.

But enough about me. Let's get some actual content on the front page of /code/.

101 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2018-08-25 12:20 ID:rGIviNz8

Still going. Currently aiming to write a Lua REPL in it. You write code in this language in the REPL, and whenever you evaluate something, it compiles everything it needs to Lua, writes it out to a temp file, and runs it in lua or luajit or something. That's the plan, anyway.

102 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2018-10-24 09:56 ID:ql1KSoAi

Trying to write a gopher browser with ncurses and shit

103 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2018-10-27 08:18 ID:Heaven

let me guess, in go?

104 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2019-03-09 22:21 ID:pLeq12Qx

Update: it's going well
It's a pretty fully-functional language at this point; by default it is interpreted but you give a command-line flag to the interpreter and it outputs the Lua equivalent instead.
So far I've got if and while compiling and I'm halfway through define.
New current short-ish-term goal is to write a pico-8 library so you can make games in it.
I'm going to release version 0.0 soon

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