Beginner programming. (21)

1 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2015-02-07 23:35 ID:Y+JE2qHF This thread was merged from the former /code/ board. You can view the archive here.

Know absolutely nothing about programming but want to learn etcetera...

Used computers all my life but know nothing about the codes inside them. I keep coming up with ideas for computer programs which are based on a few simple tasks or calculations which I think a computer could do but I have no idea how to implement them. I think I should get to the level of making a simple card game or something. Then work my way up to making scripts, something that could open up opera browser, search through a site for certain links, open them up and search for pieces of text and put them into a spreadsheet. That would be useful for my stock market research.

For now though I am a complete pleb and don't even know what software I need or how to take the first step. Here are some links I found that I will look at.

C++ or java maybe

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