Beginner programming. (21)

20 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2015-11-12 14:14 ID:U8bJXUUK


Recently downloaded this.

Currently reading this.

I still have ADHD-PI but a combination of psychology and a drink I make from instant coffee and cococa powder is helping me focus. As I may have mentioned earlier, I can concentrate on some things like a strategy game I have an obsession with, learning about every detail of the game and creating spreadsheets and things to help make decisions, but with other things I can barely read for a minute before my brain grinds to a halt. I am currently trying to transfer my obsessive behavior onto programming with some success but at the moment compared to an average person my performance is still very poor.

I'm already aware my mental health problems annoy people, that is why I am posting on instead of going straight to community college and potentially wasting taxpayer dollars.

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