Beginner programming. (21)

3 Name: #!/usr/bin/anonymous : 2015-02-14 17:20 ID:sU/XF9h2

Oh thanks this is just what I need. Also I have heard from many sources that programming is more about constructing programs and less about memorizing code, this raises my confidence a little, assuming I am imagining what coding is like correctly.

What code would a space flight simulator need? You'd need the locations of the planets, which could be simplified as points with the equations for gravitational pull, more code could be added later to give them movement. You'd need some equations for the space rocket, current velocity, location, thrust, acceleration determined by both gravity and thrust, and how these things all affect each other. Then you'd need something for the graphics, I'd create something like a graph, like if I am at a location looking in a direction what would be in view. If I had to graph something from scratch I'd have to model some kind of grid maybe, I don't know, every pixel is assigned a row and a column which equal x and y as determined by the math or something.

On top of that you might need some aids for the user, navigation, computer assisted acceleration/deceleration so you don't hurtle into planets at the speed of light. Maybe add some things like upgrades or trading goods. Sound effects would be good too, the low hypnotic amniotic rumble of the engines increasing in pitch as you increase the thrust.

I have been daudling though. I have ADD predominantly inattentive, there is no time limit for this and this is a completely amateur effort, though that is no excuse. I suppose I could put in a herculean effort, more likely I will have to solve some psychological and philosophical problems before I can put in the amount of effort that a normal person would.

> .NET framework
> Windows Forms
> Microsoft Visual Studio

Downloading these things and playing around with them is a simple enough task so maybe I will do that tomorrow (not procrastinating, I'm sleepy).

Maybe a bit off topic. Do you know of any ways in which I could increase cortical (past the blood-brain barrier) norepinephrine (noradrenaline)? I have been looking up monoamine oxidase inhibitors like syrian rue and nutmeg however I can't find any syrian rue in my area and the drawbacks of nutmeg outweigh any benefits. Caffeine raises norepinephrine because it mimics adrenaline but I can't have caffeine because of the levels of stress it causes. Tyramine displaces norepinephrine in storage vesicles, I'm not sure if this is good or bad.

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