Do you support independence of Taiwan? (53)

1 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-15 18:59 ID:O8hA88L7 This thread was merged from the former /debate/ board. You can view the archive here.

I think Taiwan is independent country already.
So there is no need to declare independence.
If Taiwan declare independence from China formaly,China
will attack it and destroy peace of East Asia.
When it happens,Can USA support Taiwan??

2 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-15 19:42 ID:Heaven

In before asian trolls (although it's not a japan/korea topic, so there may not be any)

Anyway, I'm told China's navy sucks too much for a war against Taiwan.

3 Name: Citizen : 2007-02-15 23:35 ID:5Gb1/ir6

dunno. i really have to wonder what would happen if they declared independence tho', what with China industrializing and all. the economists wouldn't care, but the military probably would...

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