Do you belive in miracles? (30)

1 Name: Mrhappy : 2009-06-04 13:44 ID:Jo0HB5OY This thread was merged from the former /debate/ board. You can view the archive here.

To start off let me say that I am an atheist, But not to long ago consented myself a deist. Now I have never beloved that A god or gods have any say in what goes on in our life. Just created the universe and let it be. But living in the bible belt of Texas I know for a fact that I am one of the only ones in my tri-county area to thank like this,
To start off let me say that I am an atheist, But not to long ago consented myself a deist. Now I have never beloved that A god or gods have any say in what goes on in our life. Just created the universe and let it be. But living in the bible belt of Texas I know for a fact that I am one of the only ones in my tri-county area to thank like this,
Now to my question, Do you personally believe in miracles? And if so how do you know from an objective stand point that they were miracles? Ex, A man has cancer, it seems without doubt he’s going to die still his family prays for him, and somehow he makes a full recovery. The family being a very religious one claims god is to thank. But a deist/atheist point of view is “well he would have gotten better in time with or without prayer.” We Need much more irrefutable proof of a miracle, its like I always said,
God seems to help those with curable sickness but will never grow back an amputees leg.
God seems to help those with curable sickness but will never grow back an amputees leg.

17 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-06-22 19:00 ID:8yAZNeS5

>>13-14 here, thanks for the kind words. Actually I've never been a member of a debate club, and have merely been observing the masters at work in comment threads on ScienceBlogs etc. I'm convinced that my flatmate, who is actually studying for a BA in Rhetoric, could run circles around my arguments. It took me almost three hours to write up those posts, too.

18 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-06-24 22:00 ID:Heaven

Well, one thing I've always liked about slow text boards is the effort people are willing to put into their posts. Really makes sites like 4-ch worth reading.

19 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-07-12 08:20 ID:iJmbXGmb

Since there seems to be a refuter here, I'll leave my experience mentioned:

I had ulcers and they healed in a nights sleep.

Explain the miracle, I'll add more later, I've seen (and been posessed by) demons, so gl.

But I will start with something soft, such as my now gone ulcers.

20 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-07-14 00:04 ID:xFd6A3mh

It was something we can't explain via our current idea of science but definitely isn't God.

What now, theists?

21 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-07-14 16:55 ID:tRMWLDnF

We are very pleased to hear of your improving health, but when you speak of "ulcers," what do you mean, exactly? Are you speaking of a skin ulcer, a stomach ulcer which apparently can be mimicked by gastric reflux disorder, or something else?

22 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-07-22 15:55 ID:RK/RlkrE

miracle = act of god
act of god = macroscopic instantaneous non-deterministic event
macroscopic instantaneous non-deterministic event = violation of macroscopic causality
violation of macroscopic causality = macroscopic nonlinear event
macroscopic nonlinear event = macroscopic instantaneous non-deterministic event
macroscopic instantaneous non-deterministic event = mircale
miracle = act of god

therefore if god exists, the stupid fuck can't explain himself very well

23 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-07-27 18:33 ID:tRMWLDnF

Perhaps God does it for the lulz. What if He is trolling us all?

24 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2012-07-30 01:03 ID:QeVmw+Rk


Wait a second... that was your argument?

Oh, I think we are "done" here...


Stomach ulcers of which the doctors took photographs during the diagnosis.

It's no use being dumb around the issue, God called me personally.

25 Name: thgtgyh : 2012-07-31 20:58 ID:XLl2pJNn

26 Post deleted.

27 Name: Traparegay : 2017-10-17 16:15 ID:3O1U55XL

kill yourself

28 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-02-17 21:47 ID:+DPSTbyi


29 Post deleted.

30 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-05-17 15:24 ID:bazcX/HD


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