Hamas invades Israel (32)

25 Name: Unverified Source : 2023-12-31 01:11 ID:qt6qEIZl


>I hope that country gets flushed down the toilet.

Based on the sentiment of the majority of the world, it just might. Well, not actually because Joos are powerful, but they were severely underestimating how people would react after they launched an invasion and attempt to slaughter every last Palestinian in the era where every single second of a war is now caught on video by everyday people.

The only people who really seem to be on their side right now are retarded propagandapilled Christian right wing morons in the US and Europe and hilariously BJP supporting Indians although they don't really care about their support because nobody likes India, especially a bunch of retarded Hindu nationalists.

They'll win because obviously they are a superior military force and are led by Zionists, but they sure made the majority of the planet hate the Joos once again. Nature is healing, as they say. The smart thing for the inevitable retaliation by Islamist groups would be to NOT attack North Americans or Europeans on their own territory like they usually do. Don't start suicide bombing subway stations in Berlin or London because that would damage the opinions of everyday people who are actually sympathetic to the Palestinian struggle. Instead, direct it at Joos only. Unfortunatly the Moslem terrorist groups generally don't strategize well on the psyop front, so they'll just end up digging their own grave again until the US starts firing MOABs on Gaza for fun.

Will be interesting to see where it all goes. Compared to when I watched the Second Intifada unfold, the popular support has heavily shifted to the Palestinians/Muslims where in the past everyone hated them.

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