What do you think of illegal immigrants? (40)

13 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2008-12-26 05:38 ID:engHizP5

I don't like the mentality of most immigrants, legal or illegal.

They come to our country and stay in their own little foreign groups continuing to speak their own foreign language and creating their own little foreign communities (see: Chinatown for example).

Isn't the point of moving to another country to get AWAY from where you were? And if you are getting away and want to stay in the same sort of community you were in - too bad. Move to a country that's more similar to your own. Don't come to our country and change it into your old one. That's bullshit. You amalgamate into OUR community and adopt OUR culture.

How is a country supposed to keep it's national identity when it's over-run by foreigners and no longer resembles the country after which it's named?

I just recently arrived back in my homeland of New Zealand, and while passing through the airport, I could have sworn my plane had been diverted to some Asian country! It was fucking ridiculous. The people working in the airport (the very people who ESTABLISH THE FIRST IMPRESSION ON VISITORS) could hardly speak English properly and every fucking sign had Chinese on it!

I have absolutely NO problem with Asians immigrating (yes, it's mainly Asians doing this) to New Zealand, but for fucks sake - learn some english and don't make this country a tiny Asia.

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