What do you think of illegal immigrants? (40)

2 Name: ak47 : 2006-12-22 20:21 ID:KcWBl4LW

I'm not American, I'm Canadian. However, I can offer a perspective on the issue. In canada, since we have a low birthrate and a policy of "multiculturalism" we are required to have a certain amount of immigrants every years, from certain places, depending on what jobs are in need of filling and where we can find workers for those jobs. For example, we might needs lots of engineers, so we target ethnic groups that have alot of engineers. This is to ensure that all our jobs are filled and no one is mooching off our system.

As such, I have no respect for illegal immigrants who come to any country and mooch off of the legal citizen without paying anything back. However, in Canada we do not have the same problem as the US because we are isolated from all other countries except for the US, so I sympathize greatly with Americans. I think the US would benefit greatly from adopting a "me first" attitude towards immigration like Canada's, albeit without the PC "multiculturalism" BS...as for illegal immigrants, I've got no sympathy for them. If you can't be bothered to come here legally, then we don't want you here.

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