What do you think of illegal immigrants? (40)

21 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2009-02-26 22:26 ID:8dkz39LR

Yeah very funny. NOT. I know damned well what I'm talking about. It is your baseless self-righteousness and racial superiority complex that is the problem. What goes around comes around. HAH!

So you have Apache citizenship do you? Or is it Maori citizenship? Or Aborigine citizenship? Or Aztec citizenship? Oh wait, they've all been killed off and their land stolen from them. So you give yourself citizenship in a country whose people you have annihilated, and then don't allow anyone else to come to those countries? Lol how deluded can you get?!

At least be thankful that this current wave of immigrants to these countries aren't enslaving the population, slaughtering them, raping them, spreading disease to them, destroying their civilizations, pillaging their wealth, killing their leaders, converting their religion at the sword, burning their crops, or poisoning their wells.

Those are just a few of the things that European invaders did to the natives of North America, South America, Australia, New Zealand, and even the far more advanced Asian countries. Be grateful these new immigrants are so evil.

And why were we able to do that in the past? Were we more intelligent? Were we superior? No. We were just better at spreading death and destruction on unsuspecting innocent peoples who were far more civilized and would not have even dreamed of such wanton destruction. No wonder the Ancient Romans and Greeks called the rest of Europe Barbarians. It looks like things haven't changed much in some individuals of their descendants.

I am so ashamed that there are still people like you living in the Western countries. You embarass me. Thank god there are so few of you left these days. Why don't you go to Alaska and STFU? A barren frozen wasteland is a fitting home for irrelevant people like you. Thanks. :)

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