What do you think of illegal immigrants? (40)

24 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2009-03-02 14:13 ID:8dkz39LR

You said: "The issue is "we've got citizenship and they don't and we can't get them to pay their fair share in taxes that they are leeching from us nor can we know where they are if they will/have committed a crime." If illegals got their papers and paid their taxes then all would be fair and done, as we've got a record on them. Case and point: STFU and go back to the Africa if you don't know what the hell you are talking about."

That is the worst piece of debate I have ever seen. It is a nonsensical rant. It's hard to even decide what exactly your point is. So are you in support of giving current "illegals" as you call them, citizenship? Why not give them an amnesty and let them have citizenship? I didn't realise the issue that white supremacists had was one of a beaureaucratic nature, about having the right documentation. Quick! Someone tell the ACLU: racists will STFU if every one just has citizenship - get those application forms out there ASAP and they will disappear!

But if you are now repeating the same message as above, with some slightly better grammar and the use of punctuation, all I say is that there is no point in repeating your rubbish, like the Nazis did, hoping anyone else will believe it.

You are unable to carry out a rational debate, always resorting to four letter acronyms. You are unable to counter my points, and so you go off on random tangents. You are self righteous and arrogant, without limit, and as always with white supremacists, you believe you are divinely led perfect beings.

You say in your attempted defence (#23) that race etc is "past and dead" - damned right, you've killed off the other races who were the original inhabitants of the Americas, Auz and NZ, so they are dead. You then say that the argument is about what exactly? Citizenship? But as I already said, and which you fail to counter, you never got permission to be citizens of these countries. Instead you committed genocide against the original inhabitants and then appointed yourself a citizen of their nation. You have absolutely no right to judge who is worthy of being a citizen of the country now.

How convenient that you are able to set the start point to whenever you want. I guess that in 50 years time if occupying forces are still in Iraq, you will say that the Iraqis are taking over "your" country and taking "your" jobs because for you, the issue of who invaded is "past and dead" and you are talking about the "security of those citizens of the country" who you appointed to be invading whites. You display absurdity to its utmost limit.


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