What do you think of illegal immigrants? (40)

25 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2009-03-02 14:14 ID:8dkz39LR

It is you who is stuck in a small-minded, small-numbered community of racist supremacists, who have no real achievements and no real superiority except in the area of how to annihilate other unsuspecting peoples and conquering their countries. People like you are morally (and now with the loss of cheap loans, financially) corrupt. You exist in a world of moral bankruptcy and blind hatred. That is why you suffer so much, every single day. Even when you try to vent your frustrations (of your own bringing) on the internet, good citizens like me are here to point out to you the evil of your ways and thoughts, and so even here in the digital world you can't find your racist ignorant bliss that you so desperately strive for.

The thing is, anyone with a rational mind can see that we conquered the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, Africa and even parts of Asia, illegally. Did they ask to become part of our empires? Did they want to be turned into slaves? Did they ask to be killed off, their cultures destroyed and their civilizations smashed? No, No and No. Therefore, it is a perfect example of commupance that racists like you have to be so petrified of the "flood" of people with different skin colour and religion coming into your country now. Normal people celebrate diversity. Small minded idiots are scared of having divine punishment, not for your ancestors' actions (those aren't your personal fault), but for continuing to live evil and believe in such evil as you clearly show here.

And just so people are clear about this: I am white of European descent. I am ashamed of what we did in the past. And I am even more ashamed that there are others of my race who still hold antiquated, corrupt, evil and most importantly WRONG views about other people, simply because they have a different skin colour. I guess you were a Palin-lover too. How'd that work out for you?

I am not wasting any more time on you, it is not worth trying to teach a donkey to understand basic logic. Since people like you only understand one language, in summary: You FAIL. STFU and GTFO :D

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