Lets discuss the Nazi heritage (160)

1 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-08-28 11:22 ID:3uV9qtXy This thread was merged from the former /debate/ board. You can view the archive here.

You may post whatever interests you

I like watching Nazi parades and look at beautiful Nazi leaders

11 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-09-26 17:27 ID:xVduUn1q

But I agree with Rosenberg because I live in Moscow and see Russian People everyday...

12 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-09-26 17:29 ID:xVduUn1q

Pederasty... Nothing new... People move on...

13 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-09-26 17:36 ID:xVduUn1q

The only mistake that nazies did was invading Russia in 1941.
Because it was obvious to everyone that Russia would have collapsed without any war in no time...
Stalin had no chance with invading Reich, so the best thing to do was creating Nazi Union against USSR without waging any war... Then just fucking nuke it.

Yeah nazies are extremely stupid.

All because nobody listened to experts on Russian History. Sounds unbelievable but it is the truth.

14 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-09-26 17:37 ID:xVduUn1q


Russia is collapsing NOW
You will see it on TV really soon

15 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-09-26 17:42 ID:xVduUn1q

Rosenberg was a leading member of Aufbau Vereinigung, Reconstruction Organisation, a conspiratorial organisation of White Russian émigrés which had a critical influence on early Nazi

It all was a great conspiracy...
How could a piss poor peasant state had won against Nazies?

16 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-09-26 17:48 ID:Heaven

To be honest this is just really stupid.
I am glad that history had ended for the good.
For everybody except africans, arabs and asians (upcoming water shortage).

17 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-09-27 18:22 ID:Heaven


How it should be

Step 1
Create a powerful nazi union.
Step 2
Create nuclear bomb
Step 3
Nuke Russia

18 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-09-29 14:38 ID:Heaven


What a fucking spoiled kike

19 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-02 21:05 ID:Heaven


21 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-04 19:40 ID:xxscIfhw

22 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-05 16:32 ID:GTqTLfW3


Stalin: Hey Molotov what do you think?

Molotov: I think it is scary...

Stalin: hmm, I don't think so, there will be peace

23 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-05 16:33 ID:GTqTLfW3

Stalin: Cmon Molotov, don't be so sad, they just enjoying their favorite military parades... we have nothing to worry, Hitler is my friend

24 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-05 20:20 ID:GTqTLfW3

Molotov: Stalin... .... Stalin .... ....

25 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-05 20:46 ID:fhC253A5


26 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-05 23:54 ID:+1ChnNY3

Stalin: Molotov, are you sad?!

27 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-06 00:47 ID:Heaven

Molotov plz

28 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-06 15:29 ID:59LvFGse

I like this one:

The young Rosenberg graduated from the Petri-Realschule (currently Tallinna Reaalkool) in Reval and went on to study architecture at the Riga Polytechnical Institute and engineering at Moscow's Highest Technical School[6][7] completing his PhD studies in 1917.


Vasily Viktorovich Biskupsky (Василий Викторович Бискупский; 1878–1945) was a right-wing Russian general of Ukrainian origin who helped finance Hitler's rise to power.[1][2][3]

Some historians believe that Biskupsky helped channel the Romanov money to the Nazi Party.

29 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-06 19:49 ID:3tXJ+snm

Russia is fucking shit and always has been

31 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-07 10:16 ID:I9rFnT2r


Hitler kinda looks like Merkel, lol

32 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-09 16:00 ID:IeUbdH+C

I don't like minorities and all this JEWS... but killing ANYONE is sick.

Also Russia is shit.

33 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-09 17:28 ID:Heaven

I hate minorities but WW2 is the greatest tragedy and nazies are bastards

34 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-09 18:22 ID:Heaven

Their 'heritage' is death of Europe

35 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-09 22:11 ID:Heaven


36 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-09 22:11 ID:Heaven

All of them

37 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-10 00:10 ID:Heaven

Maria Schicklgruber

38 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-12 14:13 ID:Heaven

For Baltic Nations, this is special team. Their grandparents were forced to join SS against their will and whats more important is that they were PROTECTING their homeland against Stalin.
Please judge estonian, latvian and lithuanian veterans.

39 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-12 14:25 ID:SgiUWK6x

team - theme
please dont

40 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-15 13:08 ID:L6JVEq4P

Long-lost diary of Nazi Alfred Rosenberg turned over to Holocaust Museum
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41 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-15 19:07 ID:Q1ms9i6p


42 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-16 18:56 ID:P1dILfAP

you can get arrested for this in Germany

43 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-19 00:27 ID:puq6ATKk


The diary, which covers the period from 1936 through 1944, has been digitized, and all 425 pages and a transcript in German are on the museum’s Web site. No English translation is available, the museum said.

44 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-24 23:26 ID:fFiPXKaV

German veterans have quite stable life in Germany right now, but what about Russians?
Most of them life in completely poverty ignored by EVERYONE (dont let so.. I mean Russian propaganda fool you) and whats more shocking they are often killed by teenagers who want to see their medals....

45 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-10-25 22:04 ID:fFiPXKaV

See = steal

46 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-11-14 18:26 ID:DsHB3SDh


Yeah, especially considering the fact that Nazies started making NB in 1939...

47 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-11-15 10:23 ID:1Pt/MNYZ


Что еще ожидать от транссексуалов

48 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-11-15 10:48 ID:Heaven

Николашка все ЭТО начал, тем что решился на войну в 1914

Русские аристократы уничтожили 20 век

49 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-11-15 12:58 ID:1Pt/MNYZ


Гитлер - петух с точкой

50 Name: 1945 9 viktory : 2014-11-15 21:26 ID:1Pt/MNYZ

Если честно - петушня

Хайл 9 of may

51 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-11-16 11:12 ID:1Pt/MNYZ


Probably they did NOT want to win...

What a fucking conspiracy

52 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-11-16 11:17 ID:1Pt/MNYZ

Да это так, Гитлер идиот.

Мне могут возразить что Сталинские шпионы бы сразу узнали, но зная какие в Москве ПВО все это более чем возможно...

Сталин не мог начать войну против рейха, он не смог победить даже Финляндию....

Сделали бы атомную бомбу к 1942 году и кортеж немецких самолетов бы полностью нюкнул москву вместе с кремле

53 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-11-16 13:08 ID:1Pt/MNYZ

Адольф Гитлер - главный петух в истории человечества

Нацисты могли легко победить СССР просто сбросив атомную бомбу в 1942 на кремль

В москве были очень хуевые пво

Также нацисты могли бы спровоцировать сталина на новые аресты людей


54 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-11-18 13:47 ID:FX0AESLl


55 Name: Piotuh : 2014-11-20 17:19 ID:dYQ3cdG/

56 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-11-22 23:10 ID:dYQ3cdG/

Basically Russia had slavery until 1861...
This explains absolutely everything
Russians were peasants, while Nobility were mostly German

57 Name: 1945 fuck off nazi skum : 2014-12-04 08:51 ID:zKofu6On



58 Name: Russian Guy : 2014-12-07 12:38 ID:u8pS45PB

Here is my opinion:

Hitler was mad and he started this ugly bloody ww2. But still I dont understand why ANYONE can like Kandinsky? Yes Nazism is banned now but we DO have rights to study it just to prevent neo-nazies from getting into power.

59 Name: Russian Guy : 2014-12-07 12:39 ID:u8pS45PB


Sorry for this ugly thread...

60 Name: Lets pray for peace : 2014-12-22 20:40 ID:nXEY39u+

World War II fatality statistics vary, with estimates of total dead ranging from 50 million to more than 80 million.[1] The sources cited in this article document an estimated death toll in World War II that range from approximately 60 to 85 million, making it the deadliest war in world history in absolute terms of total dead but not in terms of deaths relative to the world population. The higher figure of 85 million includes deaths from war-related disease and famine. Civilians killed totaled from 38 to 55 million, including 19 to 25 million from war-related disease and famine. Total military dead: from 22 to 25 million, including deaths in captivity of about 5 million prisoners of war.



61 Name: Lets pray for peace : 2014-12-22 20:41 ID:nXEY39u+


Нацисты хотели видимо сделать раскопки кремля, лол

62 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-12-22 23:25 ID:Heaven

Когда я смотрю на простые фотографии гитлера мне становится очень очень плохо и неприятно

Такое ощущение что он .... сбежал из царской россии

63 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-12-22 23:27 ID:pTfJ6vbQ



Такое ощущение что Гитлер - мой бывший одноклассник

64 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-12-22 23:42 ID:pTfJ6vbQ

Кстати лет пять назад под кремлем нашли .... белых тараканов

65 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-12-23 00:18 ID:Heaven


Мэр Москвы Юрий Лужков считает, что река Неглинка, протекающая под землей в трубе на глубине около 5 метров, не опасна для фундамента Большого театра. На церемонии открытия отреставрированного главного фасада Большого театра он сказал, что единственное, что там является страшным – то, что там живут и благоденствуют 10-сантиметровые тараканы.


Эта новость говорит о многом.

66 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-12-25 16:41 ID:zz1zW8AK


67 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-12-25 20:10 ID:Heaven

Нацисты убили 27 миллионов жителей СССР
Компенсацию мы НЕ получили

68 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2014-12-31 16:56 ID:Heaven


Кто мы вообще такие чтобы компенсацию от немцев получать?
Визу в Германию сложно даже получить

Мы все еще все убогие славяне которых весь мир презирает

69 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2015-01-01 11:56 ID:Heaven

Нацисты - вечный позор для Германии и человечества. Была страна Шиллера и Канта, стала страной Гитлера и Геринга. Форму конечно суперскую сделали.
Смерть нацизму и всем этим мразям.
Люблю Гете

70 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2015-01-01 11:59 ID:IUlKzTMG

Всем нацистам читать вот это:


71 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2015-01-01 12:13 ID:IUlKzTMG



72 Post deleted.

73 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2017-12-16 15:42 ID:J0BVaAkS

Molotov-Ribbentrop, nuff said.

74 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2017-12-26 14:03 ID:J0BVaAkS

76 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-01-03 14:51 ID:J0BVaAkS

мировой сионизм
the international jewry

77 Post deleted.

78 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-01-31 08:27 ID:J0BVaAkS


79 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-01-31 11:00 ID:Heaven

I do not support Hitler or anything, but I do hate jews and blacks

80 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-02-17 20:49 ID:J0BVaAkS

dont joke with Hitler.

81 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-02-17 21:13 ID:J0BVaAkS


82 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-05-09 22:41 ID:Heaven

they laughed at Rosenberg and didn't listen to him, so in the end they had lost the war.

83 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-05-17 13:21 ID:t4itlRs5

84 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-05-19 14:29 ID:t4itlRs5

85 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-05-19 18:20 ID:t4itlRs5

86 Post deleted.

87 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-06-02 12:45 ID:t4itlRs5

I dunno but maybe jews are not that bad... who knows

88 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-07-20 00:32 ID:FTwbo1OD

89 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-08-28 22:22 ID:+YoD1EdI

90 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-08-28 22:42 ID:+YoD1EdI


91 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-08-29 00:40 ID:+YoD1EdI

92 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-08-29 01:53 ID:+YoD1EdI

Russia did not deserve it.

93 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-01 21:23 ID:+YoD1EdI

before talking ANYTHING about the THIRD REICH please learn history first.

Lenin and his jewish gang (I mean Trotskiy, etc) started the "Russian" revolution and forced Nicolas II to abdicate. Then they killed his royal family and ALL RUSSIAN ARISTOCRACY. After that Hohenzollerns and Habsburgs fell too. So royals and bankers elected Hitler to destroy Soviet Russia.


This world is cruel.

But as a Russian I want to live in Romanoffs Russia than in Putin's Russia.

Romans had decency and pride.

While Putin is a petty criminal and a medieval tyrann.

Trust me CCCP was hell.

Hitler killed 50 millions of innocent russians.


94 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-01 21:26 ID:+YoD1EdI

oh. I forgot one thing. Lenin wanted to turn THE WHOLE WORLD into some kind of communistic dystopia.

do you really want it?

So it had to be stopped.

95 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-01 21:28 ID:+YoD1EdI


trust me. they are not stupid.

so it all had to come to HITLER.

96 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-01 21:28 ID:+YoD1EdI

Marx was jewish

97 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-01 21:30 ID:+YoD1EdI

Also commies BANNED Christianity COMPLETELY and even destroyed HRAM HRISTA SPASITELYA in Moscow.


98 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-01 21:34 ID:+YoD1EdI

Before talking anything bad about CHRIST and CHRISTIANITY... please think about the mordor that is SOVIET RUSSIA/RUSSIAN FEDERATION adn your beautiful and cozy USA :D

and then think twice.



99 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-01 21:35 ID:+YoD1EdI

we did not have meat and juice in CCCP even in Moscow.

Now we are the slavic MAFIA STATE.

I guess had Romonovs stayed.. we would be a much more peaceful and prosperious country...

100 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-01 21:37 ID:+YoD1EdI

Some people meet Hitler with flowers.

All because live in USSR was H E L L

101 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-01 21:38 ID:+YoD1EdI

We are not slavic subhumans. We have bad schooling and VERY VERY VERY BAD and EVIL government.

Also America hates us

102 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-07 01:47 ID:Heaven

hey hey hey

if slav guy would start reading third reich books...

he will turn insane and commit suicide

that's the secret nazi magic

slavs can not be nazies

they can be slavic nationalists, but not German nazies

well... because they are not germanic...

good way to destroy your life

103 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-07 01:49 ID:Heaven

all russians are ... serfs...

yeah... just pure mindless serfs...

nazies were perfect aware of this

104 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-07 01:51 ID:Heaven

what's even more amazing and stunning...

is that all antisemitic russian "nazies" like hollywood

especially STAR WARS

105 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-07 01:53 ID:Heaven

Dmitriy... please do not ever open MK

106 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-07 02:07 ID:Heaven

Russian oligarchs living in Britain may face crackdown on dirty money
Daily Mail2 hours ago
Financial investigators are examining whether dozens of wealthy Russians linked to Vladimir Putin’s inner circle should face sanctions. Potential targets include...

107 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-07 02:08 ID:Heaven


you confused Lucas with Spielberg...

108 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-07 02:09 ID:Heaven

yeah... all the ukrainian jews...

now leading happy life in USA

109 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-07 02:12 ID:Heaven

they are ...

still fucking illiterate

I mean... americans do not read books too...

but hey isn't Russia supposed to be a part of Europe?

well, no. russia is a new poweful MAFIA STATE akin to Mexico

110 Name: Anonymous Speaker : 2018-09-07 02:23 ID:Heaven

Iran, Turkey, Russia




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