( ・-・) I wouldn't say this if this wasn't an anonymous board... (999)

181 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6883 10:57

( ・-・) I've used email and more "primitive," if that is quite the word we want, electronic communication tools since the BBS days. I've used the Web since Mosaic and remember the controversy over Netscape 2.0.

( ・-・) I don't have a Facebook or Twitter page, or a Livejournal, or a Myspace, or a Tumblr, and don't want one. I'm hardly a Luddite, but it doesn't appeal to me. My friends and family have my email address and I have theirs. If I want them to know something I email them. I am deeply uncomfortable with the concept of putting my whole life on a Web page so that bored strangers can "like" me when I say traffic was bad on the way home from work.

( ・-・) Not saying it's evil, or bad, or wrong, or shouldn't exist. Just that I can't imagine living my life that way, putting everything I do online every day, forever, for the entertainment of a million bored gawkers I'll never meet.

( ・-・) Maybe the problem is me. I just don't grasp the appeal.

( ・-・) I don't have a "smartphone" either. I have a cellphone from the early 2000s that is as big as a bar of soap, which cannot view the Web or send email. It's good enough for what it's for--an emergency number so that my employer can reach me when I'm on call--and I have found no compelling reason to discard it and spend money on a newer, fancier one.

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