44 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9014 00:52

I have a million ideas for projects I want to work on, and one of them is something that would convert flash loops (but not games) to HTML5 -- a GIF or VP8/WEBM and possibly audio, like vorbis or FLAC or something. I know a lot about other container formats, but not much about Adobe Flash. I wonder how difficult it would be to extract different files from a SWF file and then just use HTML5 for a video or GIF and audio too, kind of like YTMND.

It would be way too hard to convert games or interactive stuff, but just plain loops like you used to see on /f/ boards (sovietrussia or otherwise) are just short videos or images with some audio, and it sucks how you can't see stuff like that on mobile devices. I don't know about you, but I use my iPhone more than my computer nowadays -- simply because you can't fit a computer in your pocket.

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