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773 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6661 05:51

Second comparison: Modern civilization rejects polygamy as unwise and disadvantageous to social life, even though if the purpose of marriage were sexual gratification, polygamy would be a lawful way to realize it. The Qurfan permits a man to have more than one wife under certain circumstances. However, as observed even in animals and plants, the purpose for and wisdom in sexual relations is reproduction. The resulting pleasure is a small payment determined by Divine Mercy to realize this duty. Marriage is for reproduction and perpetuation of the species. Being able to give birth at most once a year, to become pregnant during half of a month, and entering menopause around 50, one woman is usually insufficient for a man, who can sometimes impregnate even until the age of 100. That is why, in most cases, modern civilization tolerates prostitution.

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