Demanding from the next poster (895)

484 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6725 02:27

>>483 hmmmmmm

  1. Sour Apple Chewits
  2. Millionaire shortbread
  3. Cherry Pop-Tarts
  4. Bramble jelly, made by the love of my life, on toast
  5. white chocolate
  6. fizzy haribos
  7. cheese, worcestershire sauce and coleslaw on toast
  8. golden grahams
  9. fizzy rainbow belts
  10. custard creams

that was difficult, and hardly in order, and there's probably better stuff i've forgotten. i have a sweet tooth haha

>>485 send a text message of encouragement or compliment or anything nice to anyone you like!

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