Demanding from the next poster (895)

840 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7540 18:01

A+. Reading this fanfic was a truly profound, life changing experience, on a par with a native American spirit journey or taking LSD. The text conveys its message with startling precision and insight, concisely and unpretentiously, without obfuscatory language. The short length leaves the reader with a sense of wonder at what goes unsaid - the author may directly ask only one question, but the reader is left with countless more. Ultimately, the text is a demonstration of Absurdist philosophy, challenging the idea that a story must have a moral, point, or meaning at all. This idea, that the author need not pander to the reader's every vagary, is sure to usher in a new age of literature. My favourite part is the crippling sense of existential dread the reader is left with after reading.

I demand that you spend at least ten minutes reading about a topic you know absolutely nothing about and post what you learned.

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