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947 Name: grey!C.MxxuCiTo : 1993-09-6784 18:28

A very nice friend of mine took me on a trip to Portland, ME for a day. A city that I love but never get to visit more than once a year.
It was so much fun. I never get to go to cities. I loved seeing the huge buildings and ships which dwarfed in size the humans that built them. And me. It's an old city where the majority of buildings are still brick and mortar and feature artistic architecture. What few new buildings I saw were usually governmental and had a drab square look to them. I took so many pictures on my shitty camera phone. Something I noticed is that people in cities actually know how the fuck to dress themselves and do no seem to be ignorant of personal hygiene. Everyone seemed to dress in one of three ways: Formally, artistic, or fashionable. It was quite a difference from the norm I am used to where everything is either men with blue jeans and carheart jackets and missing teeth or women to forget to change out of their sleepwear to greet the day. I really wish to move to Portland.
Anyway have this, - http://i.imgur.com/8NgDp.jpg

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