ITT we solve the question above us [Part 5] (999)

625 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-6960 12:41

I think most intriguing of all is the preservation of music through digital media, the internet and so on and how long it will possibly all live on. One nice example is the Golden Record we stuck on the Voyager 2 satellite; it will drift through space for many tens of thousands of years, ready to be played back at any moment. Just think of all the forms of music in early human history that, thanks to any proper method of safekeeping it, have been lost. Though I wonder, how much music from today's era will we want to actually keep, considering how terrible most of it has now become?

As for technology evolving how music can be produced and created, it really hasn't changed all that much from the early days of musique concrète. Aside from how it can sound, a synthesizer hasn't changed too much and there has not been any striking developments in acoustic instruments in a long time.

Do you think the mailman will finally deliver the books I've been waiting on, or did they get perhaps lost in transit?

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