ITT we solve the question above us [Part 5] (999)

787 Name: ( ˃ ヮ˂) : 1993-09-7032 11:00

>>786 I've actually had a deep interest in vexillology since I was about 6, I even won an award at primary school for teaching my teacher the word "vexillology". Hmmm my favourite flags would be the Republic Of Macedonia's and maybe the state of Nova Scotia's, but would I display them outside? I'd also consider either of Scotland's flags (I prefer the Lion Rampant but i get a boner for saltires anyway) or the US Confederate flag (hung upside down, because I disagree with some of the things it stands for but it'sa saltire withs STARS all over it) or New Zealand's Ministry of Transport flag because it's quite silly.

>>788 What's the best stamp you've ever seen?

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