[Misery] ( ß -ß) Post unhappy things... [Part 3] (767)

528 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8070 23:01

I'm not >>526, but I always wanted to make a procedurally generated danmaku game. There would be no enemies; rather, the danmaku appears from the top/sides and you progress just by surviving. The bullets would be slow, but dense; the challenge would be more about being able to make fine movements and avoid getting overwhelmed, rather than reaction speed. It would have a storyline which you unlock as you get further into the game, sort of like Irisu Syndrome; a calm, contemplative storyline, but with hints of darker undertones.

( ß -ß) Unfortunately, I can only do fairly basic programming, and I only know MATLAB and Python. I suppose I could mess around with Pygame and see where I get, but I have so much else in my life already that I'm not sure another major project like this is a good idea.

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