[GAME] Nomic Thread [RULES] (78)

28 Name: 4 : 1993-09-7017 17:30

>>27 is a savvy operator with a clear understanding of nomic politics.

However, he has violated the rules. >>27 failed to post his balance of DQNCoins in compliance with rule 11.(m). He or she is now under probation, as per rule 4.(m) and can not post for four turns.

I amend rule 6:
"6.(i) With each post, the player must roll a six sided die and post the resultant number in their name field. If the name field is occupied by fusianasan, a name, or a tripcode in order to comply with another rule, then the player must post the result of their dice roll at the top of their post instead."

I now have 14 DQNcoins. I would welcome any attempt to reinstate >>27's change.

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