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593 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7976 15:09


When Herr Schäuble zays
"You Schweine, debt repay!"
we zay "Heil! Heil!"
right in Herr Schäuble's face

Not to love Der Euro is a great
mistake zo we "Heil! Heil!" right
in Herr Schäuble's face.

When Frau Merkel zays
"We own dein Arsch und Land!"
we zay "Heil! Heil!"
right in Frau Merkel's face
Then Frau Merkel zays
"War crimes, we won't repay!"
zo we "Heil! Heil!"
right in Frau Merkel's face

Are we not der Super Men?
Competitive and with no debts?
Ja, we ist der Super Men
(super duper super men).

Ist this Eurozone so gut?!
Would you leave if it you could?
Ja, this Eurozone ist gut (we would
leave it, if we could).

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