[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] (999)

971 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8001 06:13

Today I had a revelation. I once again realized how I hate this pathetic parody of a country. Let me share my revelation with you, Bernd.

Do you know what is the name of one of Russian cable network erotic channels? I found it out just today, by chance. It's called Russian Night, and as I heard these words, a bottomless abyss had opened before my eyes and looked into them.

As the West is undergoing its colorful Untergang, painted in all colors of the rainbow, the satanic Night reigns over Russia, and in the pitch-dark depth of it, there is a lone man: he's sitting in front of the TV, he's blankly staring into the screen, and on the screen, there is a bald merry midget giving the audience a lecture on the benefits of sunbathing. He's dressed like a jester, he makes everyone laugh; everyone but Russians. It's called RN, the channel, and The Russian Night with Merry Midget, the program. The man's hand is moving up and down, up and down. He likes the show the midget is giving to him, his black saliva is dripping from his chin, his heart is beating fast: doki-doki shichau no yo.

The wind is howling behind the window, and dashed lines of snow flurry hit the window glass which is thin, too thin, a mere crust over the bubbling ocean of snow that symbolizes everlasting repentance in our sad little story. He's on the ninth floor of a commieblock built upon bones, pus and hatred, and far below, transparent shadows of former humans are silently strolling across a snow field desperately searching for the last trolleybus; but it's long gone. And the man keeps moving up and down his hand with another part of the body I am too ashamed to name firmly, manly, umzumanly gripped in the palm, as if not seeing the face of a white mad monk clutching the handle of his hatchet in his hands and is patiently looking into the window.

I leave it up to you to figure out what this complex image symbolizes.

Picrelated is the new flag of Russia: the upper part symbolizes piss, the lower one shit. The entire Flag symbolizes the Russian Night. Please stand up, it's being raised.

Just now a car with drunk gopniks has stopped under my windows and guess what music is loudly played in it? It's Strauss. Not joking. Can't imagine for a better symbol of the surreal world I live in.

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