[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 2!] (999)

853 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8359 18:34

ok your asked my opinion ok so this is my opinion ok and i hope u'll take it in the spirit in which it's intended ok but you got to have an el crappyo gaming setup mang so that it makes u appreciate the OLD TIMEY DAYS, like sell all your systems that you love and work well and your newfangled big ass pvms and frame meistors and all that EL JUNKYO and go to the pawn shop and buy a dirty old grubby butt OVERPRICED HUNK OF JUNK video game system that you dont even like that much, like some sega genesis model 3 or something, and hook it up with good old RF CONNECTOR to an old timey small as possible CRT tv from like the 70's which doesn't have rca jacks, and prolly doesn't have a coaxial jack it has them fugging two antannae screws which u must put a coaxial adapotr on there to PLUG IN YOUR GOOD OLD RF and the dumb thing is like black and white and the ol verticel hold is shot to tiddlywinks and you cant even afford any good games u have to get old primal rage and BALLS and old sonic the hegehot 2 and you have to be a poor slob livin in a one room DUMP thinking abot the good old days of yesteryore on a saturday nite and yoru blippin and bloopin and then you will be a real gamer and not some wussy baby photo op neckbaby modern retdro gamer ok that's my opinion on this site ok

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