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905 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8282 11:06

Many people find this sort of speech offensive, it's a well known phenomenon among religious speakers, motivational speakers, rehabilitation treatment centers, etc. Most of the time, people articulate that offense along the lines of gHow dare you say everything is the way it's supposed to be - don't you know how I've suffered?h. I think, however, that a deeper frustration comes from the way this speech trivializes potential future action. Saying something like gEvery failure was just a stepping stone on the path to successh implies that whenever something positive does happen, it's inevitable, therefore whoever works hard to achieve success has wasted their time. Since most people have worked at something, being told that their work was irrelevant is quite irritating. The suffering person is not only angry because their suffering are spoken of as trivial, but because their response to their circumstances is said to be eintendedf: gRemember all that pain you went through when your wife and kids died? I am unimpressed by how difficult it was for you to return to normal life, instead I approve of all your sleepless nights. I am the one who says how you are supposed to respond to suffering. I am your superior, signing off on your work.h

Furthermore, people do fail. Everyone has direct personal experiences that testify to this. Hearing, then, that every path leads to success tells the listener gRemember that time you failed? Since that was just a stepping stone to success, and since you didn't end up succeeding, you must have given up, you lazy slacker.h So on the one hand, you're telling everyone that anything they do is meaningless, since happiness is always just around the corner. On the other hand, you're telling everyone that whenever happiness hasn't materialized, that they must have fucked something up: that happiness was nearby, so how on Earth could you have possibly missed it?

There are also a bunch of weird questions that get raised. If everything is wonderful and everyone always becomes happy in the end, why do you even have to say these things? If you love someone, why don't they know it yet? Or if love is so meaningless that someone can be loved without their life being affected, why should someone care that they are loved? Why does everyone gstill have a chanceh if success and happiness are inevitable? If you have such knowledge that you audit the entirety of existence and say it is gthe way it's supposed to beh, and if you somehow have an interest in my life, why are you speaking in such unhelpful vagaries?

The more I consider these sort of emotivationalf statements, the more I wonder why anyone makes them.

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