CTRL+V THREAD! [Part Ⅻ] (999)

710 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8537 06:13

Given _Bool's semantics, I wouldn't agree. For example:

#include <stdio.h>
#define THING(T, S) {                        \
T a = 1; \
T b = a + a; \
T c = b - a; \
T d = 1 + 1 - 1; \
printf("1 + 1 - 1 considered as " S "\n"); \
if (d) { \
printf(" != 0 all at once\n"); \
} else { \
printf(" == 0 all at once\n"); \
} \
if (c) { \
printf(" != 0 split\n"); \
} else { \
printf(" == 0 split\n"); \
} \
int main(void)
THING(int, "int");
THING(_Bool, "_Bool");
return 0;

That distinction is necessary specifically because if operates on integral types, and in order to preserve backwards compatibility, _Bool needed to be an integral type when it was introduced. I'm sure you know all that, but the point is that the semantics of if dictate _Bool, not the other way around, and this has caused the _Bool type to be very strange.

The above is a MWE of a very real bug caused by somebody who didn't understand this and incorrectly refactored some code from uint_fast8_t to bool without bothering to read it closely enough. Their justification was "if takes a boolean, so all variables in conditions should be booleans to prevent casting".

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