ITT your last google search [PART III] (999)

578 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-9045 18:39

Translatorfs note: dokyun means idiot
holds up spork
SoOoOoOoOo RaNdUm
Le textboard culture
Only pretending to be retarded
Abstract bullshite
Have you read your SICP today?
Back to /lounge/, please!
sage is polite
Daddycool payme enough
It sure is summer
Eternal September
If someone disagrees with me theyfve must obviously be a newfag
Hello, my name is Ken-sama
Dude kopipe lmao
This site is basically diet 4chan but letfs pretend itfs something more
Cool free ringtones
SJIS art
Weird how there are SJWs who used to contribute to DQN electronics Annfs yet there are also racist stories here too
I love anime
I love Japan period
Everything is better in Japan even though I live I the west and have an inaccurate idea of what Japan Ian actually like
Yellow fever
Mai waifu\ donft reproduce
Disappoint your parents
Itfs TOTALLY normal to use clunky desktop computers with buggy Linux distros
Let me tell you how useful Linux is even though nobody in the real world uses a lot of shitty FOSS dev tools
But who cares? All NEETs need is a browser to shitpost online anyway, all other software is irrelevant
Sour grapes
Anyone who is successful or social is a normalfag
Why canft anyone see that the only way to be cool is to define your identity with Asian mass media?
I am so much smarter than anyone else because I can use consumer technology that is intended to e as easy to use as possible
Le epic science XDDD
Such a nerd XDDDDD
No, I do not have a STEM degree or STEM job, but let me tell you how much SCIENCE I know about XDDD
Old memes are still funny!

Go ahead and tell me how you think I must be new because you canft possibly fathom that maybe someone had a valid criticism of this shitty community

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