[FUNNY][HAHA] ITT we make a DQN joke [HUMOROUS][PART IV] (36)

31 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8399 16:27

Okay, so a dokyun, a VIPPER and a loli walk into a bar, right? Sageru style broken html is ordered by the VIPPER, while the dokyun goes for an extra-large with extra sauce and the loli orders a Breakfast of Aristocrats. "Hitler did nothing wrong," says Hitler. "And I don't like drapes." He then orders a bowl of grapes. "One ball of drapes coming right up, Mr Hitler" says the bartender. "No, I said <i>grapes</i>! With a G!" Hitler is served some drapes, the VIPPER is served some botched-together CSS, the dokyun is served today's special, and the loli is served a fancy hearing cake with extra baby juice, whereupon the loli pouts and says haughtily "I did not order the fancy hearing cake! Onii-chan, tell him!" she insists, tugging at the dokyun's sleeve. The dokyun proceeds to angrily call the bartender a bastard son of a panda. The bartender, shocked, says "Well, I just thought you'd like this better than what you actually ordered!" The VIPPER, dokyun and loli, on reflection, agree that actually what they were served was better. But then, Hitler says - wait for it - "My genocide crusade begins here."


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